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Revision 10 as of 2020-08-18 14:44:33
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Editor: naoki.koyama
Revision 11 as of 2020-08-19 07:39:27
Size: 1921
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4. Creating a simple GUI with python and HTML.

An error occurs when sending the input value to Finesse, so we are looking for an improvement.

Log of Kamioka Activity during 2020/08/17 ~ 27


  • Koyama
  • Hirose
  • Yuzurihara
  • Kokeyama


  • If you are unfamiliar with the simulation operations, there is a possibility that errors may occur in the script description and so on.
  • By creating a GUI, such errors can be prevented and the reliability of the simulation results can be increased.

What we do

1. Installation of eel

eel is a Python module used to create a GUI.

I didn't found any instructions on how to install eel without using pip.

Therefore, we use pip to install eel in conda's virtual environment.

Activate the conda virtual environment.

% conda activate XXXXX

And type the following command

% pip install eel

To use eel, you need to install a specific browser like "chromium".

  • How to install chromium

You can install chromium by typing the following command.

% sudo apt install -y chromium

2. Learning HTML and javascript

  • HTML and javascript are used to write scripts to create the GUI in eel

3. Learning Python

  • Python is used to run simulations using "finesse2

* Creation of GUI In "finesse2", we use character strings which describe the simulation settings.

* Create a selection box (GUI) and load the settings you entered into the box by "finesse2" and execute it.

4. Creating a simple GUI with python and HTML.

An error occurs when sending the input value to Finesse, so we are looking for an improvement.

Useful page

KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/Simulation/KamikokaActivity20200817 (last edited 2020-10-18 17:32:36 by naoki.koyama)