Describe KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/PaperTODOlist here.

To Do list for the Type-B paper

Author list (Fabian)


The mechanical system

Sensors and actuators for control



Optical lever

Inertial sensors

Rigid body model of suspension (Mark)

Write relatively brief description.

Control and performance

Control topology

Copy and modify whatever Terrence wrote already. (Fabian.)

Performance at low frequencies (Fabian)

Performancer at high frequencies (Fabian)

This is a mixture of things to write and a TO DO list for Fabian. Not everything has to be in the paper.

TO DO list for Enzo: damper ring performance

Not all the items are to appear in the paper. Some of them are for general information. In order to avoid loading too much work on Enzo, Fabian will write the text fr the paper with the information provided by him.

TO DO list for Hirata-san