CRY payload actuator upgrade in 2020

Project definition

Deliverables of the work

A document to answer the following questions 1. Does the expected actuator and sensor noise level satisfy the KAGRA requirement ? 2. Can we lock the interferometer with the modified actuators ?

  1. Is lock acquisition possible ? (ignore noise)
    • Check the saturation of the actuators
  2. Can we keep the lock with weak damping ? i.e., not injecting excess control noise from strong damping

3. Can we damp all the resonant modes of the CRY payload within reasonable time (like 1 minutes) ?


* Create a combined model of SUMCON and simulink for the Type-A suspension.

* Copy the current control topology into the baseline model * Try to reproduce the current behavior of the suspensions * Update the baseline model to the modified CRY payload * Optimize the control topology and filters to find a configuration which allows us to control the suspension without saturating the actuators and not injecting excess noise to DARM


* Create a baseline model: Shoda, Ushiba, Miyo * Optimization of the control topology and filters: Ushiba, Yamada, Nakano, Shoda, Miyo, Terrence * Give advice from the viewpoint of interferometer: Nakano, Michimura


* End-of-June: Create a base model * End-of-July: Make a recommendation for the CRY payload modification


Kick-off meeting

2020/5/27 10:30 - 12:00 Zoom: KAGRA Zoom2


Simulation of the Type-A suspension to find optimum control strategy

Additional tasks

Largest magnet possible ?

Actuator efficiency of the currently installed actuators

Seismic noise coupling of the PF actuator

Meeting Materials

Current status and plan of CRY payload by Ushiba


Goal of the meeting

Decide the followings

Deliverables of the work

A document to answer the following questions

  1. Does the expected actuator noise level satisfy the KAGRA requirement ?
  2. Can we lock the interferometer with the modified actuators ?
    1. Is lock acquisition possible ? (ignore noise)
    2. Can we keep the lock with weak damping ? i.e., not injecting excess control noise from strong damping
  3. Can we damp all the resonant modes of the CRY payload within reasonable time (like 1 minutes) ?


