= Minutes of MIF Meeting on 2013/2/8 = Participants: Y. Aso, M. Nakano, K. Yamamoto, R. Takahashi === Servo Modeling === Core of the python glue code is ready (Aso). Needs more work on importing data from other simulation tools. GUI is also necessary. === Suspension Modeling === * Mathematica code to convert a suspension model into a system of equations of motion in matrix form. * Then the matrices are converted to the ABCD matrix representation of the system. Transfer functions are automatically calculated from the ABCD matrices. * Verification with a single pendulum model. * Preliminary damping control with the full KAGRA SAS. But the results are strange. * Will test a double-pendulum model to further verify the method. === Measurement Insturuments === We will probably buy the followings this year * 2 RF signal generators * 2 data loggers. * 1 FFT servo analyzer. Aso will get quotes and ask people's opinions at the F2F. === Next Meeting === TBD.