= ISC Meeting on 2016/1/25 = 14:00 - 15:00 on !SeeVogh Participants: Arai, H. Yamamoto, Michimura, Somiya, Aso, Hirose, Miyakawa, Kokeyama 1. Schedule for iKAGRA (Aso) * Installation of the analog electronics * Installation of the detection optics * Above two will be done in the week of 2/15 * Initial alignment procedure * Michimura-kun will make a document * Digital system integration and lock acquisition * Need to test the system beforehand: Will consult with Kokeyama-san * Aso will try to gather man power (mostly students) 1. Electronics Preparation Status (Michimura, Aso) * RF PD (Aso, Doi) * Expected delivery 2/15 * Cable assembly * RF flexible cables with N connectors: ordered * Spare RF flexible cables with SMA connectors: waiting for Ohashi's approval * Diff-to-single cables: to be made at the time of installation * we have purchased all the other ISC cables 1. Magnet noise * Magnetometer requirement(Michimura) * Magnetometer requirement: According to Shimoda report (JGW-T1504459), the magnetic field fluctuation of 0.5 pT/rtHz @ 10 Hz creates the displacement noise of 1e-20 m/rtHz @ 10 Hz for bKAGRA ITM/ETM. If we keep the magnet size as current design (2mm dia, 2mm thick), the magnetic field fluctuation should be smaller than 7 pT/rtHz @ 10 Hz, considering the displacement noise requirement is 1.5e-19 m/rtHz @ 10 Hz. So, 7 pT/rtHz @ 10 Hz will be the requirement for the magnetometer noise (Bartington Mag-03 meets this requirement). However, considering the magnetic field measurement done by Virgo (30 pT/rtHz @ 10 Hz with equipments installed), we might have to change the magnet size to even smaller one. * Measurement in LIGO: About 10pT/rtHz in front of an electronics rack * MIF requirement: we want to see 7pT 1. FFT simulation (H. Yamamoto, Hirose) * ETM polishing will take until the end of March. -> Simulations with measured transmission maps can be performed only after April. * The contract for the ITM polish cannot wait for the simulation result * We will target 6nm RMS of equivalent optical path fluctuation for ITMs. * Recent mirrors from the US company have large absorption (~ 100ppm/cm) * One of the two samples from a Japanese company showed a low absorption (~ 30ppm/cm) * Will measure the transmission map after polishing for this sample 1. Next meting 2016/2/16 14:00 - 15:00