Overview of Ondotori System

The temperature and humidity monitor system is composed of sensor probes, relay stations, and a base station. The probes send data via the relay stations to the base station. The base station send the data (XML file) to the CDS machine (k1script) by FTP once per minute. The k1script machine reads the XML file and registers the data to the corresponding EPICS channels.


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Fig. 1: From top: a relay station, base station, and probe (counter-clockwise). 上から反時計回りに、中継機、親機、子機 (photo by Y Sasaki)

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Fig. 2. Overview of the data transfer system. The probes send data via relay stations or directly to the base station. The base station sends the data to the CDS machine by FTP. On the machine, data is registered to corresponding EPICS channels.

データ送信の概略図。子機(Data logger)が中継機 (relay station) を介し、または直接親機 (base station) にデータを無線送信する。親機は制御系ネットワークへデータをk1scriptへFTP転送する。k1scriptではEPICSへデータを代入するプログラムが走っている。(figure by Y Sasaki)

Overview (last edited 2023-02-17 19:20:32 by KeikoKokeyama)