## page was renamed from CLIO/NoiseBudgets/SuspensionThermalNoise
## page was renamed from CLIO/Technicals/SuspensionThermalNoise
## page was renamed from CLIO/data/SuspensionThermalNoise
= Suspension Thermal noise for CLIO 081105 =
T = 300 K,
fo = 0.7 Hz,
Q = 1e+5 and
by assuming of structure damping
* Wire specification
. suspension wire: bolfur, 50 micron diameter, 400 mm length, 2 loops.
. mass: sapphire, 100 mm diameter, 60mm thickness, 1.8kg.
* Q of Violin mode
. f1=699.05Hz, Q=1.0*10^5
. f2=700.29Hz, Q=0.63*10^5
* Extrapolation to pendulum mode Q
''violin mode Q と pendulum Q の間には 1:2 or 1:4 の関係があるそうです。'' (pending)
* Expectation of pendulum mode Q
みよきさんによるボルファ単体の Q は 1000。
計算によるdissipation dilution factorは1.2*10^-4.