Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2014-05-16 10:45:25
Size: 1109
Editor: KojiArai
Revision 3 as of 2014-05-16 10:45:42
Size: 1096
Editor: KojiArai
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 9: Line 9:
- Check what kind of fixtures we still have
- Remind ourselves how to suspend mirrors
- Discuss how we can improve TAMA suspensions to make it slightly more modern
- Check what kind of fixtures we still have - Remind ourselves how to suspend mirrors - Discuss how we can improve TAMA suspensions to make it slightly more modern
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[[attachment:suspension970411.pdf | Suspension drawing for an original test mass suspension]]
[[attachment:suspension000510.pdf | Suspension drawing for an improved test mass suspension]]
[[attachment:BS_9710081.pdf | Suspension drawing for a beamsplitter suspension ]]
[[attachment:PO_971008.pdf | Suspension drawing for a pick-off suspension ]]
[[attachment:suspension970411.pdf|Suspension drawing for an original test mass suspension]]
[[attachment:suspension000510.pdf|Suspension drawing for an improved test mass suspension]] [[attachment:BS_9710081.pdf|Suspension drawing for a beamsplitter suspension]]
[[attachment:PO_971008.pdf|Suspension drawing for a pick-off suspension]]

=== Note 2014/5/15 by K. Arai ===


iKAGRA IMC and MMT will employ "recycled" suspension from TAMA. The type of the suspensions to be used are defined in this link Link to suspension list. Arai does not know which specific TAMA suspensions we will take from TAMA. It is TBD. At least, there is one PO type suspensions in the air (at TAMA warehouse).

Scope of the work on June 5th and 6th

- Check what kind of fixtures we still have - Remind ourselves how to suspend mirrors - Discuss how we can improve TAMA suspensions to make it slightly more modern



- TAMA suspension drawings by Nikon

Suspension drawing for an original test mass suspension Suspension drawing for an improved test mass suspension Suspension drawing for a beamsplitter suspension Suspension drawing for a pick-off suspension

IMC Suspension (last edited 2018-05-25 19:11:32 by KeikoKokeyama)