2017/2/19(Mon.) * Remote participants by eZuce: None * Recovery from the power outage in the morning. * Report of work (*:responsible person) * Alignment and ETMY: *Izumi, Enomomoto * Measurement of TF of ETMY for all the DOFs. TF of Marionette was measured again and the sensing matrixes were tuned. Glitch is still there but even if measurement with no glitch time has still no coherence. * Work plan (*:responsible person) * Servers will be turned on. Timing difference by power outage, we need reboot the timing system and all the RT PCs. * PR RT models will be modified for Watch dog bug or something. * ETMY: Enomomoto, Izumi * Damping tuning * Laser hazard: Upstream SR2-3 line. * Weekly * Week of 2/19 * 2/19 Recovering for power down. * ETMY tuninng. * Week of 2/26 * Beam alignment to REFL port. * week of 3/5 * IYC door will be closed. * week of 3/12 * Connecting ducts at corner. * Issues