=== 2019/1/16(Wed.) === === Weekend === * Some work for Y arm alignment. ==== Transition from morning work (*:responsible person) ==== * We have maintenance today. ==== Report of work (*:responsible person) ==== * IOO, VAC: Pumping for MC failed yesterday. TP will start today. * MC alignment can be started from this morning. * CAL: Debugging ETMX Cal. Reached expected sensitivity. 60dB improvement was seen. * Whitening for ETMY was installed yesterday and will be checked today. * VIS: ITMY and BS TF are being measured yesterday and today. * PR2 will be checked and tuned today. * VIS: BS fishing rod is being fixed. ==== Work plan (*:responsible person) ==== * COM: Fiber noise measurement. Preparation of electronics for Y arm. * AOS: Installation of WAB will start ETMX today.