=== 2019/5/27(Mon.) === ==== Schedule ==== * --(5/22: RT PC maintenance -> go to safe mode for all VIS connected Dolphin (BS) )-- * --(5/22-23: MZ release from PSL)-- * --(5/20-24: Exchanging cryo valves.)-- * 5/27-6/2: Y arm mass lock. * 6/3-6/14: Installation of TMS for ETMY * 6/8: Engineering run * ITMX * --(5/22AM~: tuned off cryostat cooler, finesse measurement for Xarm)-- * --(5/22AM~: tuned off shield cooler, finesse measurement for Xarm)-- * ETMX * --(5/2: Cooling start)-- * 5/29: Cooling done * ITMY * --(5/23AM~: tuned off cryostat cooler, finesse measurement for Yarm)-- * ETMY * --(5/17~: tuned off ETMY cryostat cooler)-- * Long term: * 4/22-5/31: Yarm commissioning * 5/27-6/30: DRMI commissioning * 7/1-8/9: DRFPMI commissioning * 8/12-10/4: DRFPMI ASC * 10/7-11/15: Post Commissioning * 11/18-12/13: Noise hunting ==== Note ==== ==== Night work ==== ==== Weekend ==== ==== Report of work ==== * COM: Finesse of Yarm was ~1200 with 60K of ITMY that is a bit lower than expected value even it was estimated by 10% lower ITM reflectivity. * CRY: Temperature of ITMY will go lower from above results to distinguish ITMY contamination effect. * CRY: Cooler for shield for all 4 test mass, and cooler for payload for ITMY and ITMX and ETMX are working. ==== Work plan ==== * Type B: Needs tuning for BS SR3. * Type A: RT model was separated to two parts for ETMX and ITMX. It needs more time today. dackill should be implemented in both model. * Off loaded FS for BS.