== Today's work plan: 2019/7/19 1PM - 2019/7/22 1PM == Commissioning leader: Aso (19th), Miyakawa (22nd) === Afternoon === * ALS sweep to find IR resonance (MN, VF) * Start X-End cryocooler (Yamada, TakahashiM) * Implement BF stage control on ALIGNED state on type-A guardian (Kokeyama) * ISS servo setup and OLTF measurement (Yoshioka, Kuromiya, Yamamoto) * Serial number check of !OpLev SLDs (Yamada) === Evening === * ALS sweep to find IR resonance (MN, VF) === Weekend === * IFO configuration guardian (Kokeyama, Saturday) * Modification of the IMC servo (Enomoto, Sunday) * Transition to IR (Nakano, Valera, Sat & Sun) * TF measurement of Type-A (Yamada, Saturday morning) * ITM actuator efficiency measurement (Sun morning ?) === Morning (Monday) === * SR3 OSEM check (Fabian) ---- == Standing issues == * Try FPPRMI: with stable 3f signals and ALS extra range, FPPRMI may fix the glitches? * Fast shut off feature on type-A after lockloss not to ring (real time model change, Stefan) * Y-arm lock * ETMY suspension control * ITMY damping * One IM magnet is broken. Need a different strategy. Use MN ? (Yamada, Okutomi) * DRMI lock stability * Model HOM-PHD signal distortion (Aso, Kokeyama) * Search for better Gouy phase in PRC * Initial alignment automation (Nakano) * IFO configuration Guardian (Kokeyama) * Type-A related * Implement BF stage control on ALIGNED state on type-A guardian (Kokeyama) * United Guardian for all 4 suspensions (Okutomi) * Type-B related * SR3 Yaw motion is too large (Fabian, Terrence) * Type-C related * OSEM characterization for OSTM (on going, Takahashi) * OMC * Check the OMC on the AS table * Laser safety * Debug the laser safety guardian (Nakano) ------