= Minute of KAGRA commissioning meeting = ---- * Date: 2018/9/4 11AM~12PM * Attendance: Miyakawa, Izumi, Yamamoto, Oshino, Aso * eZuce: Yokozawa, Suzuki, Ushiba ----- === Night work === * It was quite smooth to transit laser hazard from moving to night mode. * Woking time of from 3pm to 9pm was quite good for the amount of work. * Position of IMMT1 was moved not only 2cm to X direction but also to the longitudinal direction. * One of the pico motor on IMMT2 did not work. * We need to relocate the QPD position for IMMT1 which crosses to Oplev light. * Target in front of PR3 worked quite well. * It was difficult to take a rest or dinner. * One of the concern was that if something happens on IOO for example, IOO people are not there in the night time. * Troubles should be announced after the night work and they should be fixed in the morning work. * Needs staff assignment for the night work. === Power outage === * Commissioning team will send e-mail by 9pm on Thursday whether they will work on Saturday or not. === ETMX === * Cross talk on ETMX is caused by grounding of High power coil driver. == Others == * Next meeting: 9/11.