Differences between revisions 1 and 4 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2019-03-26 16:55:38
Size: 1171
Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 4 as of 2019-04-03 14:53:27
Size: 2414
Editor: YoichiAso
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Electronics model: Python ?
 * Control loop model: Python ?
 * Make the model Noise Budget compatible
  * Integrated model exists
  * Tuning of the model parameters for individual suspension is necessary
 * Electronics model and control loop model can be implemented in the Noise Budget tool
 * Existing suspension [[https://granite.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/svn/KAGRA/trunk/kagranoisebudget/Suspensions/|NB model]]
 * Implement a standalone NB model for Type-A first
 * Then integrate it into the IFO NB model
Line 9: Line 13:
 * Tower part is on going (a fair bit done already)
 * CRY part will start from now
 * VIS experts should join the work to expedite it
Line 14: Line 22:
 * Except for ITMY, inertial damping is going to be completed
 * Integrated work with CRY and VIS is necessary
 * Modal damping for GAS (later ?)
Line 15: Line 27:
 * Procedure
  * Measure TFs from various stages to TM
  * Design blending filters to combine them
  * Iteration
  * Establishing a good suspension model is necessary in the filter design process
   * Inject seismic noise to make sure that no actuator saturate
Line 17: Line 36:
  * Currently fairly incomplete
  * We can get help from the Type-B team (Mark and Terrence)
Line 24: Line 45:
  * Length RMS < ?
  * Angular RMS < ?
  * Length RMS requirement
   * Since ALS will be used, there is no dynamical requirement for L
   * Saturation of the actuator while keeping the lock sets the requirement
  * Angular RMS requirement
   * Less than 880nrad [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8343|JGW-T1808343]]

Integrated Type-A control meeting

To Do


  • Mechanical model : SUMCOM
    • Integrated model exists
    • Tuning of the model parameters for individual suspension is necessary
  • Electronics model and control loop model can be implemented in the Noise Budget tool
  • Existing suspension NB model

  • Implement a standalone NB model for Type-A first
  • Then integrate it into the IFO NB model

Sensor / actuator diagonalization

  • Tower part is on going (a fair bit done already)
  • CRY part will start from now
  • VIS experts should join the work to expedite it

TF measurements

  • Check the mechanical status of the suspension
  • Base for the control
  • Comparison against the model predictions

Damping control

  • Except for ITMY, inertial damping is going to be completed
  • Integrated work with CRY and VIS is necessary
  • Modal damping for GAS (later ?)

Hierarchical control

  • Procedure
    • Measure TFs from various stages to TM
    • Design blending filters to combine them
    • Iteration
    • Establishing a good suspension model is necessary in the filter design process
      • Inject seismic noise to make sure that no actuator saturate

Automatic operation

  • Guardian
    • Currently fairly incomplete
    • We can get help from the Type-B team (Mark and Terrence)
  • Automatic health check
  • Status monitor

Desired status before Y-arm lock

  • All the sensors diagonalized
  • All the actuators diagonalized
  • All the TFs reasonably agree with the model
  • Damping control satisfies the requirements
    • Length RMS requirement
      • Since ALS will be used, there is no dynamical requirement for L
      • Saturation of the actuator while keeping the lock sets the requirement
    • Angular RMS requirement
  • Hierarchical control is ready
    • Maximum actuation range
      • X um: f < 0.5Hz

      • YYY nm: 0.5Hz < f < 1Hz

      • ZZ nm: 1Hz< f < 10Hz

    • Response to the feedback input is similar to a single pendulum


  • 4/1 - 4/26: ITMY suspension commissioning
  • 5/7-5/10: Y-arm lock with feedback to ITMY mass


  • Fujii
  • Lucia
  • Okutomi
  • Ushiba
  • ???

KAGRA/Commissioning/Weekly/20190402/TypeA_Agenda (last edited 2019-04-03 15:12:36 by YoichiAso)