Differences between revisions 6 and 7
Revision 6 as of 2019-07-02 11:31:14
Size: 999
Revision 7 as of 2019-07-02 11:32:41
Size: 1041
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   * P-pol shape with PRMI lock
  * Control signal for PRMI/DRMI with polarization
   * Education for DRMI from specialty
  * Y arm lock
  * FPMI lock
   * P-pol shape with PRMI lock.
   * Rotating polarization of geen.

  * Control signal for PRMI/DRMI with polarization.
   * Education for DRMI from specialty.
  * Y arm lock.
  * FPMI lock.

Minute of KAGRA commissioning meeting

  • Date: 2019/7/2 11:00~12:00
  • Attendance: Miyakawa, Koseyama, Aso, Nakano, Kozakai, Fabian, Miyoki, Takahashi, Akutsu, Inoue, Miyo, Washima, Ogaki, T. Yamamoto
  • Zoom: Hiro Yamamoto, Ohashi, Uchiyama, Eleonora, Mio, Ushiba

Summary of last week

  • ETMY misalignment was fixed.
  • Investigation of polarization is going on.
  • We keep central area for a while and keep DRMI characterization specially for control.
  • We confirmed that we would have an engineering run on 7/13.


  • 12pm-6pm
    • PEM needs ~10min after run.
    • CAL needs free swinging Michelson.
  • Michelson
  • Action items for this month
    • Investigation for shape of reflection of both ITEX and ITMY.
      • P-pol shape with PRMI lock.
      • Rotating polarization of geen.
    • Control signal for PRMI/DRMI with polarization.
      • Education for DRMI from specialty.
    • Y arm lock.
    • FPMI lock.


  • Next meeting: 7/2.

KAGRA/Commissioning/Weekly/20190702/Minute (last edited 2019-07-02 11:46:32 by OsamuMiyakawa)