Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2014-10-10 15:17:47
Size: 12098
Revision 2 as of 2014-10-10 15:23:16
Size: 2565
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
Line 4: Line 3:
 * 2011/3/30 on ubuntu 10.10 for test  * 2014/10/10 on CentOS 6.4 for test
Line 12: Line 11:
$ sudo chown XXXX(user name):XXXX(group name) moinwiki $ sudo chown apache:apache moinwiki
Line 36: Line 35:
Edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and add {{{ Install apache {{{
# yum install httpd.x86_64
and check run level {{{
# chkconfig httpd on
# chkconfig --list | grep httpd

Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add {{{
Line 43: Line 50:
WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/httpd/wsgi
Line 46: Line 53:
WSGIDaemonProcess moin user=www-data group=www-data processes=5 threads=10 maximum-requests=1000 umask=0007 WSGIDaemonProcess moin user=apache group=apache processes=5 threads=10 maximum-requests=1000 umask=0007
Line 55: Line 62:
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Install libapache2-mod-wsgi {{{
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi
# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Line 99: Line 102:
 * Copy underley to update help or something as {{{
# cd /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWiki
# cp -r ../underley .

 * Update htdocs
 cd Download directly, then {{{
# cd moin-1.9.3/MoinMoin/web/static
# cp -r htdocs /moinwiki/share/moin/

 Then copy grp07_on.png to /moinwiki/share/moin/htdocs/common
Line 118: Line 108:

 * update data using migration script as {{{
$ cd /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/MoinMoin/script$
$ python moin.py --config-dir=/moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki --wiki-url=http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp migration data

2011-04-27 14:54:19,225 WARNING MoinMoin.log:139 using logging configuration read from built-in fallback in MoinMoin.log module!
2011-04-27 14:54:20,477 INFO MoinMoin.config.multiconfig:127 using wiki config: /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/wikiconfig.py
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1070200
Returned. New rev is 1070300.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1070300
Returned. New rev is 1080000.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080000
Returned. New rev is 1080100.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080100
Returned. New rev is 1080200.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080200
Returned. New rev is 1080300.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080300
Returned. New rev is 1080400.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080400
Returned. New rev is 1080500.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080500
Returned. New rev is 1080600.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080600
Returned. New rev is 1080700.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080700
Returned. New rev is 1080800.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1080800
Returned. New rev is 1089999.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1089999
Returned. New rev is 1090000.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1090000
Returned. New rev is 1090100.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1090100
Returned. New rev is 1090200.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1090200
Returned. New rev is 1090300.
Calling migration script for /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data, base revision 1090300
Final mig script reached, migration is complete.


 * Update Language packs by access http://localhost/JGWwiki/LanguageSetup?action=language_setup and pick up Japanese, then press install on the all_pages link (it's the last line in the list). You'll obtain a "Attachment 'Japanese_all_pages.zip installed." message. Then repeat it for English. And restart apache {{{
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

=== To activate basic HTTP authentication ===

 1. Add following to /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/wikiconfig.py {{{
from MoinMoin.auth import GivenAuth
 # auth = [GivenAuth(autocreate=True, strip_windomain=True, titlecase=True, )]
auth = [GivenAuth(autocreate=True)]


 * Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default, <Directory /> section to activate .htaccess on ubuntu {{{
# AllowOverride None ## before
  AllowOverride All ## after

 * Make .htaccess at /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki {{{
AuthUserFile /target_directly/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "Please enter your ID and password"
AuthType Basic
<Limit GET>
require valid-user

 * Make .htpasswd at target_directly using password producing tool or something.

=== Redirect to new server ===
Edit /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf on old Mac mini server as {{{

#Alias /moin_static172/ "/moinwiki/share/moin/htdocs/"
#<Directory "/moinwiki/share/moin/htdocs">
# Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
## AllowOverride None
## Order allow,deny
## Allow from all
# AllowOverride None
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all

#ScriptAlias /JGWwiki "/moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/moin.cgi"
#<Directory "/moinwiki">
# Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
## AllowOverride None
## Order allow,deny
## Allow from all
# AllowOverride None
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all

#ScriptAlias /LCGTexec "/moinwiki/share/moin/LCGTexec/moin.cgi"
#<Directory "/moinwiki">
# Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
## AllowOverride None
## Order allow,deny
## Allow from all
# AllowOverride None
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all

DocumentRoot "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs"
<Directory />
Redirect /JGWdoc http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki

DocumentRoot "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs"
<Directory />
Redirect /LCGTexec http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/LCGTexec

== To make multiple wikis ==

==== Apache2 setting ====
Add moin.wsgi of new wikis to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf as {{{
# MoinMoin WSGI configuration
# you will invoke your moin wiki at the root url, like http://servername/FrontPage:
WSGIScriptAlias /JGWwiki/Private /moinwiki/share/moin/Private/moin.wsgi
WSGIScriptAlias /JGWwiki /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/moin.wsgi
WSGIScriptAlias /LCGTexec /moinwiki/share/moin/LCGTexec/moin.wsgi

 1. Copy backup folder of LCGTexec to /moinwiki/share/moin and

 * Then, {{{
# cd /moinwiki/share/moin/LCGTexec
# cp ../config/wikiconfig.py .
# cp ../server/moin.wsgi .
# rm moin.cgi

 * Edit moin.wsgi and add {{{
sys.path.insert(0, '/moinwiki/share/moin/LCGTexec')

 * Edit wikiconfig.py and add or replace {{{

url_prefix_static = '/moin_static193'

sitename = u'LCGT exexutive Wiki'

logo_string = u'<img src="%s/common/grp07_on.png" alt="JGW Logo">' % url_prefix_static

page_front_page = u"FrontPage"

superuser = [u"XxxxXxxx",u"XxxxXxxx",]

acl_rights_before = u"XxxxXxxx:read,write,delete,revert,admin XxxxXxxx:read,write,delete,revert"

acl_enable = 1

tz_offset = 9.0

 * Copy underley to update help or something as {{{
# cd /moinwiki/share/moin/LCGTexec
# cp -r ../underley .

 * Ownership and access level change {{{
$ cd /moinwiki/share
$ sudo chown -R xxxxxxx:www-data moin
$ chmod -R ug+rwX moin
$ chmod -R o-rwX moin

 * update data using migration script as {{{
$ cd /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/MoinMoin/script
$ python moin.py --config-dir=/moinwiki/share/moin/LCGTexec --wiki-url=http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp migration data

 and restart apache {{{
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

 * Update Language packs by access http://localhost/LCGTexec/LanguageSetup?action=language_setup and pick up Japanese, then press install on the all_pages link (it's the last line in the list). You'll obtain a "Attachment 'Japanese_all_pages.zip installed." message. Then repeat it for English. And restart apache {{{
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

== wiki farm ==
Making Private wiki as one of wikifarm. This is because to share user accounts and passwords as JGWwiki.

 1. Copy farmconfig.py, mywiki.py {{{
mkdir /moinwiki/share/moin/Private
cd /moinwiki/share/moin/Private
cp ../config/wikifarm/farmconfig.py .
cp ../config/wikifarm/mywiki.py Private.py
cp ../server/moin.wsgi .
cp -r ../data .
cp -r ../underlay .

 * Edit farmconfig.py as {{{
wikis = [

    # wikiname, url regular expression
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    #("JGWwiki", r".*"), # this is ok for a single wiki ### comment out this line at 45

    # for multiple wikis, do something like this:
    #("wiki1", r"^http://wiki1\.example\.org/.*$"),
    #("wiki2", r"^https?://wiki2\.example\.org/.*$"),
    ("Private", r"^http://localhost/JGWwiki/Private/.*$"), # order must be Private -> JGWwiki
    #("JGWwiki", r"^http://localhost/JGWwiki/.*$"),
}}} and add these lines at the end. {{{
    url_prefix_static = '/moin_static193' # static stuff like logo and themes will be searched there

    logo_string = u'<img src="%s/common/grp07_on.png" alt="JGW Logo">' % url_prefix_static

    user_dir = '/moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/data/user' # user folder

 * Edit .../Private/moin.wsgi as {{{
sys.path.insert(0, '/moinwiki/share/moin/Private')

 * Add these lines at the end of .../Private/Private.py {{{
    page_front_page = u"FrontPage"

    data_dir = '/moinwiki/share/moin/Private/data/'
    data_underlay_dir = '/moinwiki/share/moin/Private/underlay'

 * Edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf as {{{
# MoinMoin WSGI configuration
# you will invoke your moin wiki at the root url, like http://servername/FrontPage:

#WSGIScriptAlias /JGWwiki/Private /moinwiki/share/moin/moin.wsgi
 WSGIScriptAlias /JGWwiki/Private /moinwiki/share/moin/Private/moin.wsgi

 WSGIScriptAlias /JGWwiki /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/moin.wsgi
 #WSGIScriptAlias /JGWwiki /moinwiki/share/moin/moin.wsgi

 WSGIScriptAlias /LCGTexec /moinwiki/share/moin/LCGTexec/moin.wsgi


 * Copy .htaccess to /moinwiki/share/moin/Private/, and note that this file should be -rw-r--r--. Remove .htaccess from /moinwiki/share/moin/ and /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/

 * Restart apache {{{
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

MoinMoin wiki

  • 2014/10/10 on CentOS 6.4 for test
    • moinmoin1.9.3

MoinMoin1.9.3 installation

$ cd /
$ sudo mkdir moinwiki
$ sudo chown apache:apache moinwiki

Download moinmoin-1.9.3 and in download directory

$ tar xvf moin-1.9.3.tar.gz
$ cd moin-1.9.3
$ sudo python setup.py install --force --record=install.log --prefix='/usr/local' --install-data=/moinwiki

Installed directly:

  • library: /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/MoinMoin
  • data: /moinwiki/share/moin

wsgi test

$ cd /moinwiki/share/moin/server
$ python test.wsgi

Then open http://localhost:8000/ on web client.

Apache2 setting

Install apache

# yum install httpd.x86_64

and check run level

# chkconfig httpd on
# chkconfig --list | grep httpd

Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add

#  MoinMoin WSGI configuration
# you will invoke your moin wiki at the root url, like http://servername/FrontPage:
WSGIScriptAlias /JGWwiki /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki/moin.wsgi

WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/httpd/wsgi

# create some wsgi daemons - use these parameters for a simple setup
WSGIDaemonProcess moin user=apache group=apache processes=5 threads=10 maximum-requests=1000 umask=0007

# use the daemons we defined above to process requests!
WSGIProcessGroup moin

Alias /moin_static193/   "/moinwiki/share/moin/htdocs/"

and restart apache

# /etc/init.d/httpd restart

update old data

  1. Copy backup folder of JGWwiki to /moinwiki/share/moin and
  2. Copy backup folder of htdoc to /moinwiki/share/moin
  3. Then,

    # cd /moinwiki/share/moin/JGWiki
    # cp ../config/wikiconfig.py .
    # cp ../server/moin.wsgi .
    # rm moin.cgi
  4. Edit moin.wsgi and add

    sys.path.insert(0, '/moinwiki/share/moin/JGWwiki')
  5. Edit wikiconfig.py and add or replace

    url_prefix_static = '/moin_static193'
    sitename = u'JGW Wiki'
    logo_string = u'<img src="%s/common/grp07_on.png" alt="JGW Logo">' % url_prefix_static
    page_front_page = u"FrontPage"
    superuser = [u"XxxxXxxx",u"XxxxXxxx",]
    acl_rights_before = u"XxxxXxxx:read,write,delete,revert,admin XxxxXxxx:read,write,delete,revert XxxxXxxx:read,write,delete XxxxXxxx:read,write,delete"
    acl_enable = 1
    acl_rights_default = u"MemberGroup:read,write All:read"
    tz_offset = 9.0
  6. Ownership and access level change

    $ cd /moinwiki/share
    $ sudo chown -R xxxxxxx:www-data moin
    $ chmod -R ug+rwX moin
    $ chmod -R o-rwX moin

KAGRA/Computers/InstallationNote/MoinMoin_CentOS (last edited 2014-10-10 16:07:02 by TakahiroYamamoto)