Plans for trial just after ER

Noise investigation about FFUs in the corner stations by an operator

  1. Workers


  1. IEXYV

    • Take a sensitivity by an operator (one of PEM member). (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
    • Each 2 people stand by IEXYV FFU switchs. (Team1-> EXV, Team2 -> EYV, Team3->IXV ,Team4->IYV)

    • Turn off remained two FFUs at the same time. (Yokozawa -> Team1, Washimi -> team2, Miyoki -> Team3,4)

    • Take the sensitivity again before alignment will change. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
    • Turn on two FFUs that used to be turned on. (Yokozawa -> Team1, Washimi -> team2, Miyoki -> Team3,4)

    • If you see any change in sensitivity, we recheck one by one for IEXYV.
  2. IEXYC(1/2F) and Transmission Area

    • Take a sensitivity by an operator. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
    • Each 2 people stand by IEXYC FFU switchs. 10 are near the KOACH, 14 near the Transmission area. (Team1-> EXC, Team2 -> EYC, Team3->IXC ,Team4->IYC)

    • Turn off remained FFUs at the same time. (Yokozawa -> Team1, Washimi -> team2, Miyoki -> Team3,4)

    • Take the sensitivity again before alignment will change. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
    • Turn on FFUs that used to be turned on. (Yokozawa -> Team1, Washimi -> team2, Miyoki -> Team3,4)

    • If you see any change in sensitivity, we recheck one by one for IEXYC-1F/2F.
  3. IEXYA

    • Take a sensitivity by an operator. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
    • 2 people stand by IEXYA FFU switchs. (Team1-> EXA, Team2 -> EYA, Team3->IXA ,Team4->IYA)

    • Turn off remained two FFUs at the same time. (Yokozawa -> Team1, Washimi -> team2, Miyoki -> Team3,4)

    • Take the sensitivity again before alignment will change. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
    • Turn on two FFUs that used to be turned on. (Yokozawa -> Team1, Washimi -> team2, Miyoki -> Team3,4)

    • If you see any change in sensitivity, we recheck one by one for IEXYA.
  4. For Corner station 1F

    1. Method(1)
      • Take a sensitivity by an operator. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
      • 11 people stand by (MCE, IFI, PRM), (PR3, PR2, BS), (SR2, SR3), (SRM OMC), and Pre-Room FFU switchs.
      • Turn off almost FFUs at the same time by 11 people, except for Green one.
      • Take the sensitivity again before alignment will change. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
      • Check the difference btw FFU operation and almost no FFU operation.

    2. Method(2): If the alignment change is too huge for us to take a sensitivity.
      • We turn off IYC-C and BS-C coolers at the same time when we turn off 130 FFUs.
      • Take sensitivity urgently if possible. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
      • Check the temp changes in the corner station.
      • If the temp seems to go down rapidly, we enlarge heating power. If the temp gose up rapidly, we turned on IYC-C again and heat up by heaters.
      • we expect do some try and error for several hours if we encounter serious temp change.
      • If alignment comes back, take sensitivity. (Miyoki, Yokozawa, Washimi)
      • If it will take too much time to recover FPMI, we give up this trial.
  5. Vacuum pump stopping

    • We want to stop vacuum pumps one by one
    • FFU would be turned on
    • If temperature or vacuum pressures drastically changed, the experiments stopped
    • two people for Xend, two people for Yend, Four people CS
    • Stop the Vacuum pump one by one with instruction of Miyoki-san or Saito-san
    • Maximum experiment time is two hours or 5p.m.
    • Manual : JGW-E1911150

    • Assignment : Pump.pmg

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KAGRA/EngineeringRun/ER191217_24/postERtrial (last edited 2020-01-05 17:30:32 by tatsuki.washimi)