= FAQ to KAGRA researchers = == Level 0: Before join to the collaboration == * What is KAGRA? * What is KSC (KAGRA Scientific Congress)? * What are the advantages to join the KAGRA collaboration? * How to join the KAGRA collaboration? * Rules and Regulations? == Level 1: After joined to the collaboration (Initial actions) == * What are the initial procedures? * Where can I get the list of abbreviation? * What kind of accounts can I get? * What kind of mailing lists do we have? * Usage of the JGRdoc * Usage of the KAGRAwiki * Usage of the Zoom == Level 2: After joined to the collaboration (Research) == * List of the collaborators, KAGRA roster? * KSC member updates? * How can I become an author of the collaboration paper? * How to access to the KAGRA site? * How to join the subgroup of the KAGRA experiment team? * How to join the subgroup of the KAGRA data analysis team? * What is the schedule of the meetings? * What kind of annual actions are required? == Level 3: After joined to the collaboration (Presentation, Publication, R&D) == * Procedures of proposing a research? * Procedures of proposing a collaboration paper?