== FPC Meeting on 2019/06/14 13:30 - (JST) == Participants: /* Chunglee Kim, Kentaro Komori, Matteo Leonardi, Yuta Michimura, Atsushi Nishizawa, Kentaro Somiya, SH */ Zoom meeting(2): https://zoom.us/j/6676627462 * Next meeting will be in middle July ? (doodle poll will be circulated). * [[KAGRA/KSC/FPC|Back to FPC page]] == Action items == * Update science scenario with new scoring while keeping the optimistic case for the funding request (Nishizawa) * Update technology section and add another column like "additive" in the technology scoring sheet (Somiya) * DECIGO, Optical levitation, icing of TM, cooling capacity(?), ... * Science Figure of Merits (FoM) for each scenario (Haino, Nishizawa, ...) * New sensitivity curves (Haino, ...) == Agenda == * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8427|Observing Scenario Paper (OSP)]] and [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=10190|O3 simulation]] (also at [[https://git.ligo.org/sadakazu.haino/o3-simulation-for-kagra|LIGO git]]) * "Another" final circulation of OSP and LVK-wide presentation will be made very soon. There has been a long delay because of the intensive discussions on the duration and timeline of O4 (and O5) by LVK management people. * For O3 simulation with KAGRA, SH was invited to LVK O3 task force and simulation results were reported in the last JRPC on June/6 (by Tagoshi-san). Our simulation results are under the review by L.Singer * Updates on science scenario ? * O5 CBC (BBH, BNS, NSBH) simulations for O5 with several KAGRA's sensitivities are on-going * Figure of merits for each science scenario * LF: BBH(100 SM) range ? * HF: Sky localization range (BNS, 20 deg^2) ? * BB: BNS range + BBH(30 SM?) range ? How to assign the weights ? * Silicon option and suggestion from Australian group (Somiya) * Publication plan ? * After the approval of white paper in the next f2f in August, we may want to publish a KAGRA-all paper to express our intention of the future plans to the GW and near-by communities, which I hope to assist to increase the probability of our funding request to be approved. * Summary of science cases * Sensitivities for O5 and beyond * Conferences * GWADW (any news other than already shared by e-mail ?) * [[http://kiw6.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1|KIW6, June/21-23]] - A.Nishizawa(science review including O3,O4,O5) and S.Haino(FPC overview and white paper) * [[https://www.gr22amaldi13.com|Amaldi conference (Valencia), July/7-12]] - Y.Michimura, (and H.Shinkai for KAGRA status talk)