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---- == 55th(International): Dec. 9, 2014 (Tuesday) 9:00~11:00 (JST) == Participants:(SeeVogh) Miyakawa, Saito, Uchiyama, Flaminio, Tagoshi, Ohishi, Aso, Narikawa, Hirose, Kawamura, Ohashi, Michimura, Somiya, Ueno (K), Itoh, Ueda (A), Takahashi (H), Kanda, Kanda Laboratory members, (Kashiwa) Kajita, Sakakibara, Tomaru, Majorana, Kuroda, Suzuki (T) Agenda 1. Project report ([[|Kajita]]) 1. SEO report ([[ |Saito]]) 1. Installation of iKAGRA components ([[|Uchiyama]]) 1. Reports by IBR members([[ |US(Koji Arai)]], [[ |SHNU(Xiang-hua Zhai)]],[[ |KGWG(Hyung-Mok Lee)]],[[ | Polish KAGRA(Tomasz Strecki)]]) 1. Necessity of KAGRA Council and rasing candidates of the members [[|(Kuroda)]] 1. Intermediate report on authorship policy [[|(Ando/Kuroda)]] [[ | SeeVogh Information]] ---- == 54th(in Japanese): Oct. 15, 2014 (Wednesday) 13:00~19:00 == Kashiwa campus meeting room: 総合研究棟470号室;IP address for TV conference system: SeeVogh is booked as usual. Participants: [Kashiwa]Kajita,Tomaru,Tanaka,Miyamoto,Suzuki,Nishiuchi,Chen,Yamamoto,Sakakibara,Kuroda [SeeVogh]Kanayama,Takahashi(H),Kawabe, Kandalab,Ishizaki,Itoh,Ohishi,Flaminio,Izumi,Hayama,Akutsu,Miyakawa,Yano,Saito(Y),Aso,Kawamura,Tagoshi,Sato(T),Ueno,Takahashi(R),Narikawa,yokoyama,hirose,Saito(T),Kataoka Agenda ==== General Reports (13:00~15:00) ==== 1. Some thoughts on LIGO progress -[[|Koji Arai (40 min)]] 1. Project Report -[[|Kajita (20 min)]] 1. SE Office general report -[[|Saito (20 min)]] 1. Safety Control -[[|Kuroda ( 10 min)]] 1. Report of CPC -[[|Flaminio ( 10 min)]] 1. Report of PR -[[|Aso ( 10 min)]] 1. Geometry measurement in KAGRA -[[|Tomaru( 10 min)]] ==== Subsystem reports I (15:00-15:30) ==== 1. Report of Input/output Optics (30 min) ||General report ||[[|S. Kawamura]] || ||Prestabilized laser ||[[|M. Nakano]] || ||Input mode cleaner suspension ||[[|T. Saito]] || ==== Coffee Break (15:30-15:50) ==== ==== Renewal of Project Plan (15:50-16:20) ==== 1. bKAGRA plan with the present budget expectation -[[|Y. Aso]] (30 min) ==== Subsystem reports II (16:20~19:00) ==== 1. Report of Detector Characterization (10min) ||General report ||[[|K. Hayama]] || 1. Report of Vibration Isolation subsystem (10 min) ||General report ||[[|R. Takahashi]]|| 1. Report of Cryogenic subsystem (10 min) ||General report ||[[|K. Yamamoto]] || 1. Installation Scheduling [[|Uchiyama(20min)]] 1. Report of Laser subsystem (15 min) ||Present status of the laser system for KAGRA ||[[|Ryota Nishiuchi]] || 1. Report of Auxiliary Optics subsystem (10 min) ||General report ||[[|Akutsu]] || 1. Report of Data Management subsystem (15min) ||General report ||[[|N. Kanda]] || ||Topical report ||[[|T. Yamamoto]] || 1. Report of Data Analysis subsystem (15min) ||General report ||[[|H. Tagoshi]] || ||Topical report ||[[|M. Kaneyama]] || 1. Report of DGS & AEL (15min) ||General report ||[[|O. Miyakawa]] || ---- == 53rd(International): Jun. 12, 2014 (Thursday) 17:00~19:00 (JST) == Participants: [Kashiwa] Kajita, Yamamoto, Kawamura, Kuroda, Miyamaoto, Tanaka, Sakakibara, Yamanaka [SeeVogh] Saito, Ohashi, Itoh, Hayama, Yuzurihara, Ando, Kanda, Flaminio, Ueno, Aso, Miyakawa(PolyCom) Agenda 1. [[|Project report]] - Kajita 1. [[|SEO report]] - Saito 1. Report of subsystem 1 1. Report of subsystem 2 1. Others ---- == 52th(Domestic): Apr. 16, 2014 (Wed) 13:00~(JST) == In prior to this doestic meeting, we have '''lectures for new members staring at 10:00''' in the morning. The lecturers are Prof. Kentaro Somiya and Prof Yusuke Itoh. 1. [[|Gravitational-wave detector]] - Somiya (60 min) 1. [[|Gravitational-wave data analysis]] - Itoh (60 min) Agenda 1. [[attachment:KAGRA_meeting_20140416_Kawabe.pdf|Random thoughts about aLIGO and installation]] -Kawabe (45min) 1. Introduction of Fresh persons (10min) 1. [[attachment:140416 KAGRA Project report.pdf|Project Report]] -Kajita (20min) 1. [[|SE Office report (report of the external review)]] –Ando (20min) Coffee Break (14:35-15:00) 1. [[|Schedule of Installation & Commissioning]] -Saito (20min) 1. Report of each subsystem (a few topics selected by SEO)(70min) [[|What can we do with iKAGRA ?]], Aso [[|Control System of Interferometer]], Miyakawa, (30min) Specification of laser(LAS, Suzuki & Mio, 20min) [[|Tunnel structure and status - Tunnel]],[[|- FCL]], Uchiyama & Miyoki (20min) 1. [[|Status of VIS R&D]] -Pena(20min) 1. [[|Status of Cryo-suspension]] -Yamamoto(20min) 1. [[|Others (Safety control)]] -Kuroda(10min) ---- == 51th(International): Dec. 10, 2013 (Tuesday) 9:00~11:00 (JST) == Participants: [Kashiwa], D. Castellano, D. Chen, K. Hayama, T. Kajita, S. Kawamura, A.Khalaidovski, F. Picariello, I. Pinto, Y. Saito, K. Watanabe, K. Yamamoto [SeeVogh], T. Akutsu, M. Ando, Y. Aso, O. Miyakawa, S. Miyoki, Y.Sakakibara, K. Somiya, H. Tagoshi, C. Tokoku, T. Uchiyama, H. Yamamoto,T. Yokozawa, H. Yuzurihara Agenda 1. Project report by Kajita [[|[O]]] 1. Outline of iKAGRA installation by SEO (Saito), which will include task of each SEO member.[[|[O]]] 1. Conference reports (Korea-Japan WS by Kawamura [[|[O]]] and ET+ELiTES meetings by Somiya [[|[o]]]) 1. Report of MIR subsystem by Kyohei Watanabe (CSIRO report)[[|[O]]] 1. Others ---- == 50th(Domestic): Oct. 9, 2013 (Wed) 13:00~(JST) == Agenda 1. [[|News from LIGO (Output Mode Cleaner by K. Arai)]] 1. Project report (Kajita)[[|[o]]] 1. SE Office report (Saito)[[|[o]]] 1. Report of each subsystem (I) 1. Report of each subsystem (II) 1. Status and Schedule of Mirror (Hirose)[[|[o]]] 1. Test and Schedule of anti-vibration system (Prototype-B) utilizing TAMA facility [[|[o]]] 1. Design of Payload and Vertical anti-vibration system 1. Current status and schedule of cryogenic payload[[|[o]]] 1. Others Files . [[|TUN[o]]] (Uchiyama) . [[|FCL[o]]] (Miyoki) . [[|DEC[o]]] (Hayama) . [[|CRYp[o]]] (Yamamoto) . [[|LAS[o]]] (Mio) . [[|DMG[o]]] (Kanda) . [[|CRY[o]]] (Suzuki) . [[|AOS[o]]] (Akutsu) . [[|DAS[o]]] (Tagoshi) ---- == 49th(International): June 19 (Wed) 17:00~(JST) == Participants:(Kashiwa) T.Kajita, S.Kawamura, K.Yamamoto, R.Takahashi, T.Akutsu, Y.Saito, Chen Dan, Y.Itoh, A.Khalaidovski, K.Ono, (SeeVogh) F.E.P.Arellano, K.Somiya, L.Biotti, N.Kanda, R.DeSalvo, S.Miyoki, T.H.Yoon, T.Yokozawa, T.Sekiguchi,T.Suzuki, W.Johnson,Y.Aso, K.Agatsuma,N.Kawai Agenda 1. Project report [[|[O]]] (Kajita) 1. SE Office report [[|[O]]] (Somiya) 1. Plan of Core-to-core program of JSPS [[|[O]]] (Kawamura) 1. Conferences and Meeting report [[|[O]]] (Kuroda) 1. Report of Subsystems (if needed) 1. Others Files ---- == 48th(Domestic): Apr. 17, 2013 (Mon) 13:00~(JST) == Agenda 1. Introduction of fresh members [[|[O]]](Kuroda) 1. Project status report [[|[O]]]((Kajita) 1. Speech of new project manager and explanation of new organization and meetings (Saito) 1. SE Office report (mainly on the new budget saving plan) & Management of JSPS core-to-core program [[|[O]]] [[|[O]]]((Kawamura) 1. Installation and Commissioning [[|[O]]] (Kawamura and Ohashi) 1. Reports of sub-systems (Each Chief) 1. Others Files . [[|TUN[O]]] (Uchiyama) . [[|FCL[O]]] (Miyoki) . [[|VAC[O]]] (Saito) . CRY[O] ([[|Suzuki[O]]], [[|Yamamoto[O]]]) . [[|VIS[O]]] (Takahashi) . [[|LAS[O]]] (Mio) . [[|MIR[O]]] (Mio) . [[|MIF[O]]] (Aso) . [[|DEC[O]]] (Hayama) . [[|IOO[X]]] (Telada) . [[|AOS[O]]] (Akutsu) . [[|AEL[O]]] (Miyakawa) . [[|DGS[O]]] (Miyakawa) . [[|DMG[O]]] (Kanda) . [[|DAS[O]]] (Tagoshi) . [[|GIF[X]]] (Araya) ---- |
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=== Next meeting: International collaboration meeting on Nov. 6, 2012 === ---- == 44th(Domestic): Jul. 9, 2012(Mon) 13:00~(JST) == ---- [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20120416/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ] Agenda 1. Project Status (Kajita) ViewGraph[X] 1. “Commissioning Issues” (Arai) [[|Viewgraph]] 1. Budget expenditure (Ohashi) ViewGraph[X] 1. Research plan for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kanda) [[|Viewgraph]] 1. Activity of SE office (Kawamura) [[|Viewgraph]] 1. Report of each subsystem (each chief) 1. Research Collaboration with overseas project (ELiTES, Kuroda) [[|Viewgraph]] 1. Report of Workshop at Toyama University (Kawamura) ViewGraph[X] 1. Agenda of the forthcoming f2f meeting [[|ViewGraph]] 1. Program of PAB meeting in August (Kuroda) ViewGraph[X] 1. Effort to get funds from JSPS ViewGraph[X] 1. Current status about thin film (Ueda) ViewGraph [X] 1. Others Files . [[|TUN[O]]] (Uchiyama) . [[|FCL[O]]] (Miyoki) . [[|VAC[O]]] (Saito) . CRY[X] (Suzuki[X], [[|Yamamoto[O]]]) . VIS[X] (Takahashi) . LAS and MIR[X] (Hirose/Mio) . MIF[X] (Aso) . [[|IOO[O]]] (Telada) . [[|AOS[O]]] (Akutsu) . [[|AEL[O]]] (Miyakawa) . [[|DGS[O]]] (Miyakawa) . [[|DAS[O]]] (Kanda) . [[|GIF[O]]] (Araya) . DC[X] (Hayama) ---- == 43th(International): May. 29, 2012(Mon) 9:00~(JST) == ---- [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20120416/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ] Agenda 1. Project Report (Kajita) [[|ViewGraph[O]]] 1. New Collaboration Members (Kuroda) [[|ViewGraph]] 1. Budget report in FY2011 (Ohashi) [[|ViewGraph[O]]] 1. SE Office report (Kawamura) [[|ViewGraph[O]]] 1. Report by Australian member (Linqing Wen) [[|ViewGraph]] 1. Report of Sub-working groups 1. Presentation policy by CPC [[|ViewGraph]] 1. Others Files . [[|TUN[O]]] (Uchiyama) . [[|VAC[O]]] (Saito) . [[|CRY[O]]] ([[|Suzuki[O]]], [[|Yamamoto[O]]]) . [[|VIS[O]]] (Takahashi) . LAS and [[|MIR[O]] ] (Hirose/Mio) . [[|MIF[O]]] (Aso) . [[|IOO[X]]] (Telada) . [[|AOS[O]]] (Akutsu) . [[|DGS[O]]] (Miyakawa) . [[|DAS[O]]] (Kanda) . [[|DetChar[O]]] (Hayama) Talk by Dr.Linqing Wen. . Title: The scientific benefit of a larger GW detector network . Speaker: Linqing Wen (on behalf of the ACIGA collaboration) . Abstract: We are at the dawn of making the first detection of gravitational waves (GWs). The advanced LIGO and VIRGO detectors are funded and are under construction with a promise of tens of detections a year. A larger GW network is forming with the KAGRA detector in Japan partially funded and LIGO-India on the near horizon. In this talk, I will show that the GW detector network is approaching the desirable capacity that allows prompt and yet precise follow-up observations of gravitational wave events by conventional electromagnetic telescopes. I will then argue for a larger network that includes AIGO - a GW detector at the southern hemisphere. At the end of my presentation, I'll address briefly the status and future plan for AIGO. ---- == 42th(Domestic): Apr. 16, 2012(Mon) 13:00~(JST) == ---- [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20120416/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ] Agenda 1. Introduction of New Commers 1. Present Status of aLIGO (K.Kawabe)[[|viewgraph]] 1. Project Report (T.Kajita) [[|viewgraph]] 1. Budget Status (M.Ohashi) [[|viewgraph]] 1. KAGRA Science Goal and Data Sharing (N.Kanda) [[|Kanda]][[|Hayama]] 1. Schedule and Roadmap (M.Ando) [[|viewgraph]] 1. Change of Chart (I.Nakatani) [[|viewgraph]] 1. Subgroup progress report by every chief 1. Preparation for External Review (S. Kawamura) [[|viewgraph]] 1. Others (International Conferences in this year) Files . [[|DAS[O]]] (Kanda) . [[|TUN[O]]] (Uchiyama) . [[|VAC[O]]] (Saito) . [[|LAS and MIR[O]]] (Hirose/Mio) . [[|VIS[O]]] (Takahashi) . [[|CRY[O]]] (Suzuki) . [[|IOO]] (Telada) . [[|MIF[O]]] (Aso) . [[|AOS[O]]] (Akutsu) . [[|DGS[O]]] (Miyakawa) . [[|DetChar[O]]] (Hayama) |
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. [[KAGRA/Meeting/Collaboration/Past/2012|Meetings in FY2011]] |
KAGRA collaboration meeting
55th(International): Dec. 9, 2014 (Tuesday) 9:00~11:00 (JST)
Participants:(SeeVogh) Miyakawa, Saito, Uchiyama, Flaminio, Tagoshi, Ohishi, Aso, Narikawa, Hirose, Kawamura, Ohashi, Michimura, Somiya, Ueno (K), Itoh, Ueda (A), Takahashi (H), Kanda, Kanda Laboratory members, (Kashiwa) Kajita, Sakakibara, Tomaru, Majorana, Kuroda, Suzuki (T)
Project report (Kajita)
SEO report (Saito)
Installation of iKAGRA components (Uchiyama)
Reports by IBR members(US(Koji Arai), SHNU(Xiang-hua Zhai),KGWG(Hyung-Mok Lee),Polish KAGRA(Tomasz Strecki))
Necessity of KAGRA Council and rasing candidates of the members (Kuroda)
Intermediate report on authorship policy (Ando/Kuroda)
54th(in Japanese): Oct. 15, 2014 (Wednesday) 13:00~19:00
Kashiwa campus meeting room: 総合研究棟470号室;IP address for TV conference system: SeeVogh is booked as usual.
[SeeVogh]Kanayama,Takahashi(H),Kawabe, Kandalab,Ishizaki,Itoh,Ohishi,Flaminio,Izumi,Hayama,Akutsu,Miyakawa,Yano,Saito(Y),Aso,Kawamura,Tagoshi,Sato(T),Ueno,Takahashi(R),Narikawa,yokoyama,hirose,Saito(T),Kataoka
General Reports (13:00~15:00)
Some thoughts on LIGO progress -Koji Arai (40 min)
Project Report -Kajita (20 min)
SE Office general report -Saito (20 min)
Safety Control -Kuroda ( 10 min)
Report of CPC -Flaminio ( 10 min)
Report of PR -Aso ( 10 min)
Geometry measurement in KAGRA -Tomaru( 10 min)
Subsystem reports I (15:00-15:30)
- Report of Input/output Optics (30 min)
General report
Prestabilized laser
Input mode cleaner suspension
Coffee Break (15:30-15:50)
Renewal of Project Plan (15:50-16:20)
bKAGRA plan with the present budget expectation -Y. Aso (30 min)
Subsystem reports II (16:20~19:00)
- Report of Detector Characterization (10min)
General report
- Report of Vibration Isolation subsystem (10 min)
General report
- Report of Cryogenic subsystem (10 min)
General report
Installation Scheduling Uchiyama(20min)
- Report of Laser subsystem (15 min)
Present status of the laser system for KAGRA
- Report of Auxiliary Optics subsystem (10 min)
General report
- Report of Data Management subsystem (15min)
General report
Topical report
- Report of Data Analysis subsystem (15min)
General report
Topical report
Report of DGS & AEL (15min)
General report
53rd(International): Jun. 12, 2014 (Thursday) 17:00~19:00 (JST)
[Kashiwa] Kajita, Yamamoto, Kawamura, Kuroda, Miyamaoto, Tanaka, Sakakibara, Yamanaka
[SeeVogh] Saito, Ohashi, Itoh, Hayama, Yuzurihara, Ando, Kanda, Flaminio, Ueno, Aso, Miyakawa(PolyCom)
Project report - Kajita
SEO report - Saito
- Report of subsystem 1
- Report of subsystem 2
- Others
52th(Domestic): Apr. 16, 2014 (Wed) 13:00~(JST)
In prior to this doestic meeting, we have lectures for new members staring at 10:00 in the morning. The lecturers are Prof. Kentaro Somiya and Prof Yusuke Itoh.
Gravitational-wave detector - Somiya (60 min)
Gravitational-wave data analysis - Itoh (60 min)
Random thoughts about aLIGO and installation -Kawabe (45min)
- Introduction of Fresh persons (10min)
Project Report -Kajita (20min)
SE Office report (report of the external review) –Ando (20min)
Coffee Break (14:35-15:00)
Schedule of Installation & Commissioning -Saito (20min)
- Report of each subsystem (a few topics selected by SEO)(70min)
What can we do with iKAGRA ?, Aso Control System of Interferometer, Miyakawa, (30min) Specification of laser(LAS, Suzuki & Mio, 20min) Tunnel structure and status - Tunnel,- FCL, Uchiyama & Miyoki (20min)
Status of VIS R&D -Pena(20min)
Status of Cryo-suspension -Yamamoto(20min)
Others (Safety control) -Kuroda(10min)
51th(International): Dec. 10, 2013 (Tuesday) 9:00~11:00 (JST)
[Kashiwa], D. Castellano, D. Chen, K. Hayama, T. Kajita, S. Kawamura, A.Khalaidovski, F. Picariello, I. Pinto, Y. Saito, K. Watanabe, K. Yamamoto
[SeeVogh], T. Akutsu, M. Ando, Y. Aso, O. Miyakawa, S. Miyoki, Y.Sakakibara, K. Somiya, H. Tagoshi, C. Tokoku, T. Uchiyama, H. Yamamoto,T. Yokozawa, H. Yuzurihara
Project report by Kajita [O]
Outline of iKAGRA installation by SEO (Saito), which will include task of each SEO member.[O]
Conference reports (Korea-Japan WS by Kawamura [O] and ET+ELiTES meetings by Somiya [o])
Report of MIR subsystem by Kyohei Watanabe (CSIRO report)[O]
- Others
50th(Domestic): Oct. 9, 2013 (Wed) 13:00~(JST)
Project report (Kajita)[o]
SE Office report (Saito)[o]
- Report of each subsystem (I)
- Report of each subsystem (II)
Status and Schedule of Mirror (Hirose)[o]
Test and Schedule of anti-vibration system (Prototype-B) utilizing TAMA facility [o]
- Design of Payload and Vertical anti-vibration system
Current status and schedule of cryogenic payload[o]
- Others
TUN[o] (Uchiyama)
FCL[o] (Miyoki)
DEC[o] (Hayama)
CRYp[o] (Yamamoto)
LAS[o] (Mio)
DMG[o] (Kanda)
CRY[o] (Suzuki)
AOS[o] (Akutsu)
DAS[o] (Tagoshi)
49th(International): June 19 (Wed) 17:00~(JST)
Participants:(Kashiwa) T.Kajita, S.Kawamura, K.Yamamoto, R.Takahashi, T.Akutsu, Y.Saito, Chen Dan, Y.Itoh, A.Khalaidovski, K.Ono, (SeeVogh) F.E.P.Arellano, K.Somiya, L.Biotti, N.Kanda, R.DeSalvo, S.Miyoki, T.H.Yoon, T.Yokozawa, T.Sekiguchi,T.Suzuki, W.Johnson,Y.Aso, K.Agatsuma,N.Kawai
Project report [O] (Kajita)
SE Office report [O] (Somiya)
Plan of Core-to-core program of JSPS [O] (Kawamura)
Conferences and Meeting report [O] (Kuroda)
- Report of Subsystems (if needed)
- Others
48th(Domestic): Apr. 17, 2013 (Mon) 13:00~(JST)
Introduction of fresh members [O](Kuroda)
Project status report [O]((Kajita)
- Speech of new project manager and explanation of new organization and meetings (Saito)
SE Office report (mainly on the new budget saving plan) & Management of JSPS core-to-core program [O] [O]((Kawamura)
Installation and Commissioning [O] (Kawamura and Ohashi)
- Reports of sub-systems (Each Chief)
- Others
TUN[O] (Uchiyama)
FCL[O] (Miyoki)
VAC[O] (Saito)
CRY[O] (Suzuki[O], Yamamoto[O])
VIS[O] (Takahashi)
LAS[O] (Mio)
MIR[O] (Mio)
MIF[O] (Aso)
DEC[O] (Hayama)
IOO[X] (Telada)
AOS[O] (Akutsu)
AEL[O] (Miyakawa)
DGS[O] (Miyakawa)
DMG[O] (Kanda)
DAS[O] (Tagoshi)
GIF[X] (Araya)
Meeting schedule
Past collaboration meeting