KAGRA information

(1)IFO status

Stable, however, IFO unlock reason was reported due to alignment drifting as klog#14066.

Continuous locking time is becoming shorter and shorter to 1 hour level.

We might need to take alignment again.

The binary range is still 500 kpc ~ 600 kpc.

There seems to be unknown noise around 200 Hz widely.

shift summary

day http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=14066

night http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=14072

midnight http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=14075

(2)Maintenance day activities In addition to normal DGS maintenance, CAL activities will be put for 3 hours or more for JRPC home works.

(3) Co-operator task Yokozawa-kun prepared very easy manual of the noise investigation for current sensitivity curve.


If you notice the current sensitivity curve is different from best or 1st day, you can try to investigate them.

General information from KAGRA office
