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== Common Circuits or related things ==

=== RF electronics ===
 * '''Oscillator'''
  . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/Electronics/SG010M3R0GB_test_sheet.pdf]]
  . [[CLIO/Technicals/OSCdata|CLIO related]]
  . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/Electronics/wenzel_500_13757B.pdf|Wenzel 500 of TAMA]]
    . reference: [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/Electronics/TAMA_RF_2010.pdf|LO signal distribution for TAMA RSE]]
 * '''RF Photo detector'''
  . N. Mio [[http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/122/1/012014|JPCS, 122, (2008) 012014]]
  . H. Grote [[http://rsi.aip.org/resource/1/rsinak/v78/i5/p054704_s1|RSI, 78, (2007), 054704]]
 * '''RF QPD detector'''
 * '''Demodulator'''
 * '''EOM driver'''

=== Audio Frequency electronics ===

 * '''Ultra-Low-Noise Amp.'''
  . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/Electronics/SA200F3_noise.pdf|NF SA-200F3]]

KAGRA/Subgroups/AEL (last edited 2020-01-31 14:07:44 by MasahiroKamiizumi)