= 20180927 = * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=6329]] * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=6334]] * [[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=6351]] == Today's activities == Workers: Akutsu, Uraguchi, K. Nagano, Hasegawa, T. Tanaka, Kita * Preparation for signal integrity check of the TMS-VIS. * Extended the cables in the chamber, then connect them to the connectors on the flanges. * For vertical LVDTs and geohpones, fortunately the cables could be clamped to the legs with PEEK tags; as the pitch of the two holes on them were not matching to those on legs, we modified the holes to be slots and the tags became able to clamp the flat cables. * For horizontal ones... hmmm... First of all, the best way should make the cable connector necks better!!! * To release the suspended table slightly, there of us put three disks for dummy weights on the table. Each of the disks are 30kg according to Uraguchi-san. * At the same time, the suspended table was constrainted in the horizontal direction by slightly fixed mechanical plates, and in the vertical direction by shims inseted within the vertical limiters' gaps; then the table became so movable that we can push it by even one of the fingers. * Signal integrity check * After connecting to the cables to the digital system (there were several details, which Nagano-kun would maybe report later), all the signals have become online! When a person push the suspended table by one's finger, the display showed the responding signals from all the LVDTs and the geophones. * About the actuator coils... == Next plan == * Connect the cables to flanges. * Configure the digital models properly. * Engage the logical channels and the assigned physical channels. * Install BRT on TMS-VIS. * Clean the sides of the optics to be installed into the vacuum chamber. (Ethanol+Acetone wiping with vectra alpha, then First Contact.) See [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9015|here]]. * Detach the remaining white tapes just before closing the chamber; be noted that there are white tapes on the PEEK connectors at the inside of the flanges. * Torque completely the bolts which are fixing the upper and the lower base plates. * Insert metal gaskets before torquing the ICF203 flanges with Dsub connectors. * Make clean the cabling... ask to VIS?? == Wanted! == * Tester!! lend from DGS or PEM?? * M8 eyebolts for managing the dummy weight plates... * First contact to clean the side diameter of the optics. * Need a signal generator for LVDTs * A document for learning how to release or fix the suspended tables (by Uraguchi?).