= 2019/09/11 = 18:30 JST (Japan) 17:30 CST (Taiwan) 10:30 CET (Geneva) * Yuki and Task manager: Schedule * Yuki: Line study * Pang: Result of Pcal stability ---------------------------- Memo JPS * Sawada * Ogaki * Online * keep the latest filter information * Low Latency * When should we do HWT -> HW problem * Demod. test -> Can we use BS? -> We can use MICH for test of pipeline. * We use the silent run. We can request to Commissioning team for Mich operation 1 or 2 night. * Final goal: 30-1500Hz, 10%, 10deg, < 1sec * Offline * calgst-hl * FSM * Start to wight reconstruction code. * Sawada-san give scripts. * DARM * * Pcal * Line injection is ongoing: 15.8Hz * After that, we will inject the software and actuator lines at 15.9Hz, 15.7Hz * We will fix the Y-end system on middle Sep.17 * Gcal * Satellite box: almost done * Gcal board and Chassis