=== Step 8: Check the transfer function of FIR filters === * We will check the transfer functions of the output frame files produced in [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/GstLAL/tutorials/step7|step7]] * First we will merge short-duration frame files into one long-duration frame file. Please note that the last file is dropped off which contains incomplete frame length. {{{ > ls K-K1_TEST-12092883* | head -n 6 | $LAL_PREFIX/bin/lalapps_path2cache > k1.cache.4 > kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/extr --cache=k1.cache.4 --channel=CALIB_AFL,CALIB_CFL,CALIB_MIN,CALIB_MOU,CALIB_C01,CALIB_C02 GPS: 1209288324 1209288348 [('K1', 'CALIB_AFL'), ('K1', 'CALIB_CFL'), ('K1', 'CALIB_MIN'), ('K1', 'CALIB_MOU'), ('K1', 'CALIB_C01'), ('K1', 'CALIB_C02')] seeking GPS start and stop times ... setting pipeline state to playing ... set to playing successfully running pipeline ... progress_src_CH3 (00:00:00): 1209288348 / 24 seconds (5038701450.0 %) progress_src_CH4 (00:00:00): 1209288348 / 24 seconds (5038701450.0 %) progress_src_CH5 (00:00:00): 1209288348 / 24 seconds (5038701450.0 %) progress_src_CH6 (00:00:00): 1209288348 / 24 seconds (5038701450.0 %) progress_src_CH1 (00:00:00): 1209288348 / 24 seconds (5038701450.0 %) progress_src_CH2 (00:00:00): 1209288348 / 24 seconds (5038701450.0 %) progress_sink_K1 (00:00:05): 1209288324 seconds progress_sink_K1 (00:00:05): 1209288348 / 24 seconds (5038701450.0 %) }}} * Check the transfer function of Inverse sensing filter (CFL/MICH_IN) {{{ > kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/trf --frame=K-TEST-1209288324-24.gwf --channel=CALIB_CFL,CALIB_MIN --output=cfl.png Channels: K1:CALIB_CFL K1:CALIB_MIN }}} * The bode plot shows the frequency response of the inverse-sensing FIR filter, where you can see the low-frequency cutoff [[attachment:cfl.png|{{attachment:cfl.png|Frequency response of the inverse-sensing FIR filter|width="600"}}]] * Check the transfer function of Actuation filter (AFL/MICH_OUT) {{{ > kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/trf --frame=K-TEST-1209288324-24.gwf --channel=CALIB_AFL,CALIB_MOU --output=afl.png --logy --invph Channels: K1:CALIB_AFL K1:CALIB_MOU }}} * The bode plot shows the frequency response of the actuation FIR filter, where you can see the low-frequency cutoff [[attachment:afl.png|{{attachment:afl.png|Frequency response of the actuation FIR filter|width="600"}}]] * Check the transfer function of C01(DELTA_TM+RESIDUAL) and C02(MICH_OUT*A+MICH_IN1/C) {{{ > kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/trf --frame=K-TEST-1209288324-24.gwf --channel=CALIB_C02,CALIB_C01 --output=c02.png Channels: K1:CALIB_C02 K1:CALIB_C01 }}} * The bode plot shows the transfer function of the two strain data (C01, C02) [[attachment:c02.png|{{attachment:c02.png|Frequency response of the two strain data (C01, C02)|width="600"}}]] * This low-frequency cutoff behavior is similar with LIGO's reconstruction shown in Figure.7 of [[http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6382/aab658/meta|CQG 35, 095015]] [[attachment:CQG35.095015-Fig.7.png|{{attachment:CQG35.095015-Fig.7.png|Figure.7 of CQG 35, 095015|width="600"}}]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/GstLAL/tutorials/step9|(Next) Step 9: Make an ASD from a frame (cache) file]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/GstLAL/tutorials/step7|(Prev) Step 7: Apply FIR filters and make a strain frame file]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/GstLAL/tutorials|Tutorials]]