= Calibration Tasks and Milestones (Towards O3) = === Goals === * Make the whole chain of h(t) reconstruction running with Pcal * 3 types of h(t) provide (online, low latency, offline) * online h(t) generation using Pcal(DGS) * low latency and offline will be similar code * Accuracy at the initial LIGO O1 level (10%,10deg.) * LIGO also have many try and error * free sweging is used for calibration method comparison * final goal is 1%, 1deg. * By the starting of phase-2 engineering run (well in advance of joining O3) === Task (Responsible and sub-responsible person(s)) === * --(Cross out)-- if the tasks are completed === Listing-up (S.Haino and responsible people) === * --(List-up tasks and responsible person)-- * --(List-up milestones and deadline)-- * --(Submit the list of task and milestone to the KAGRA scheduler)-- === Pcal (Y.Inoue, C.Kozakai, Cory, Bin-Hua,c.Bill) === [[PcalTask]] * Install Pcal at X and Y-end and coordinate[status: ''on going'' | expected finish: '''Sep. 1, 2018'''] * the long-term Pcal characterization [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Sep. 1, 2018'''] * --(Prepare for the necessary EPICS channels to the online system for the calibration)-- * List-up the systematic error budget table for O3 [status: ''on going'' | expected finish: '''until O3'''] * Achieve 1% displacement error [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Apr. 1, 2019'''] * Absolute power calibration[status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Jan. 1, 2019'''] *Note: Maintenance at Kamioka site. * BH should stay Kamioka and periodic work * Telephoto camera * Installation is almost done * Maintenance of TCam is done by T.Yokozawa * IR filter issue(spare camera), additional spare camera. * Image analysis by Tomigami. === Front-end (T.Yamamoto, T.Sawada) === * Make the models for the online h(t) reconstruction [status: ''ongoing'' | expected finish: '''Jan. 1, 2019'''] * Provide the necessary DAQ channels for the low-latency calibration[status: ''ongoing'' | expected finish: '''Jan. 1, 2019'''] * The necessary channels had already existed in Phase-1 operation (What we should are only small fix.). * ... === Low-latency and offline (D.Tuyenbayev, S.Tsuchida, S.Haino) === * Ask to LIGO CAL team for the detailed information of gstlal-calibration (DT) [status: ''ongoing'' | expected finish: '''N/A'''] * Make gstlal-calibration running on a machine at KAGRA (DT, SH) [status: ''ongoing'' | expected finish: '''Jul 15'''] * --(Find names and versions of all prerequisite libraries)-- [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/WG/offline/gstlal|gstlal installation]] * --(Install prerequisites and gstlal-cal package on a machine at AS)-- * Test gstlal-cal pipeline on an AS machine * --(Install prerequisites and gstlal-cal package on a machine at KAGRA)-- [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/WG/offline/gstlal|gstlal installation]] * Test the pipeline on a KAGRA machine [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/WG/offline/tests|gstlal tests]] * Use gstlal-calibration for the initial offline h(t) reconstruction from bKAGRA phase-1 data (SH, ST, DT) [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Aug 15'''] * Note: depends on the installation of gstlal-cal on a machine at AS and at KAGRA * Produce dummy output equivalent to online cal output (at AS) * Compare gstlal and online outputs of bKAGRA phase-1 data (at KAGRA) [[KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/WG/offline/phase-1|phase-1 data processing]] * Use gstlal-calibration for the better offline h(t) reconstruction from bKAGRA phase-1 data (ST, DT) [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Oct 1'''] * Note: depends on the completion of using gstlal-calibration for the initial offline h(t) reconstruction from bKAGRA phase-1 data * Generate simple FIR filters to compensate AA/AI effects at high frequencies * Compare better gstlal (this task), gstlal dummy (previous task) and online outputs of bKAGRA phase-1 data * Generate an initial version of the status vector (DT, ST, SH) [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Sep 15'''] * Decide status vector bits * Note: Status vector bits will be updated after deciding which of the time-dependent parameters are calculated and which of them are applied. * Modify (adapt) the function that generates the status vector * Produce the status vector for bKAGRA phase-1 data * Apply corrections for temporal variations in the DARM (DT, ST, SH) [status: ''to do'' | expected start: '''Oct 1''' | expected finish: '''bKAGRA phase-2'''] * Calculate time-dependent parameters * Study/improve averaging of the parameter values * Incorporate goodness of the parameters into the status vector bits * Use bKAGRA phase-2 data to study averaging / goodness-thresholds of the parameter values * Generation of FIR filters for KAGRA DARM model (ST, DT) [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''end of bKAGRA phase-2'''] * Note: Depends on the readiness of the DARM model * Feed KAGRA online channels into gstlal-calibration and generate low-latency h(t) (ST, DT, SH) [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''end of bKAGRA phase-2'''] * Note: Depends on the readiness of DMT * Run run the pipeline in low-latency during bKAGRA phase-2 === DARM model (T.Yamamoto, D.Tuyenbayev, T.Yokozawa) === * Make a subway map of the KAGRA DARM model [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Sep. 1, 2018'''] * Optimize the calibration lines [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''May 1, 2019'''] * DARM sensitivity is required in order to optimize. * Coordinate the Open Loop Gain (OLG) Transfer function measurements [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Apr. 1, 2019'''] * DARM lock is required because this task contains try and error of the swept sine injection. * Estimate and trace the slow time variation of the calibration parameters [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Jun. 1, 2019'''] * Electronics transfer function. [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''Oct. 1, 2018'''] * The subway map help us to decide the necessary component. === Verification of Calibration (Y.Inoue, C.Bill, W.Ogaki) === * Coordinate h(t) calibration with the Free-swinging Michelson method [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''May. 1, 2019'''] * Compare h(t)s calibrated between Free-swinging Michelson and Pcal[status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''May. 1, 2019'''] * Compare h(t)s calculated between diff,common,...[status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''May. 1, 2019'''] === Hardware injection (T.Yokozawa,S.Haino,Cory ) === * Make the online model for the hardware injection with actuators[status: ''fist version finished'' | expected finish: '''end of August'''] * Make the online model for the hardware injection with Pcal[status: ''fist version finished'' | expected finish: '''end of August'''] * Coordinate the hardware injection tests[status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''end of bKAGRA phase-2'''] * Analyze the hardware injected data and verify the DARM subway map[status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''end of bKAGRA phase-2'''] === Systematic errors assignment (T.Sawada, Y.Inoue, T.Yokozawa, K.Izumi,S.Haino) === * Goal: Estimate the systematic errors due to calibration * Details: * Estimate the value of calibration uncertainties(maximum and minimum of errors with +-1sigma uncertainties) for magnitude[%] and phase[deg.] (TS) [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''end of Jul'''] * Estimate the total calibration error and uncertainty envelope with respect to the frequency (TS) [status: ''to do'' | expected finish: '''end of Jul'''] * Then Provide them to the data analysis group and simulation group * Make a simulation. * Provide the calibration envelopes for the data analysis group * (If possible) Incorporate DARM model and parameter uncertainties in the data analysis * A.Miyamoto will show the first results of the effect of calibration uncertainties to the POP III data analysis