= init files = * [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/DQR/TaskManager|Command line of Task Manager]] * In future, these init files are uploaded in git repository somewhere. * Sample init files are located in {{{k1det1:/users/yuzu/work/DQR/Script/o4-dqr-configuration/ex_configs}}} . == examples == * condor.ini {{{ [condor] accounting_group = accounting_group_user = controls getenv = True request_memory = 1GB request_cpus = 1 universe=local }}} * defaults.ini * Now {{{output_url}}} is not used {{{ [DEFAULT] output_dir = /home/controls/public_html/events output_url = https://scientists.virgo-gw.eu/DataAnalysis/DetCharDev/users/derek.davis/detchar/preO4/dqr_test_pages gracedb_url = https://gracedb.ligo.org/api/ config_dir = /users/yuzu/work/DQR/Script/o4-dqr-configuration/ex_configs }}} * K1-omegascan-IMC.ini * For test purpose, I split init files into two. But, in future I will merge again. {{{ [IMC] name = Omega-scan (IMC) q-range = 1,100 frequency-range = 16,512 resample = 4096 duration = 60 fftlength = 1 max-mismatch = 0.2 snr-threshold = 5 always-plot = False plot-time-durations = 1,2,4 channels = K1:IMC-MCL_SERVO_OUT_DQ K1:IMC-CAV_TRANS_OUT_DQ K1:PSL-PMC_MIXER_MON_OUT_DQ K1:PSL-PMC_PZT_HV_MON_OUT_DQ }}} * K1-omegascan-PEM.ini {{{ [PEM] name = Omega-scan (PEM) q-range = 1,100 frequency-range = 16,512 resample = 4096 duration = 60 fftlength = 1 max-mismatch = 0.2 snr-threshold = 5 always-plot = False plot-time-durations = 1,2,4 channels = K1:PEM-MIC_MCF_BOOTH_IMCREFL_Z_OUT_DQ K1:PEM-MIC_PR_BOOTH_REFL_Z_OUT_DQ K1:PEM-MIC_PSL_TABLE_PSL1_Z_OUT_DQ }}} * stationarity.ini * Now I'm using simulated Gauss noise channel, instead of h(t) channel. {{{ [stationarity] description = stationarity test librarian = yuzu@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp include_in_dag = True tier = 1 question = Are known sources of noise without auxiliary witnesses active? executable = dqr-stationarity request_memory = 400MB arguments = "${t_0} -v --output-dir ${outdir} --channel K1:OPS-SIM_C10_STRAIN_DQ --frame-type K1_C --threshold 2 --long-seg-len 512 --short-seg-len 8 --fft-len 4 --overlap 2 --psd-var-stride 0.1 --psd-method median --psd-window hann --f-low 20 --f-high 480 --resample_rate 4096 --window 500 --padding 4 --data-crop-window 32 --q-low 5 --q-high 6 --v-min 0 --v-max 16 --plot-window-before 10 --plot-window-afte }}}