= Task Manager = * [[https://detchar.docs.ligo.org/dqrtasks/example-dqr.html|document]] == Installation == * Yuzurihara prepared the virtual environment {{{o4_dqr_proto_3}}} on k1det1. * DQR tasks are supported by python 3.8 * This procedure will require the authentication of {{{git.ligo.org}}}. * To read KAGRA data by using NDS, We need to edit `gwpy` code (see [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/OmegaScan|instruction]]) {{{ --- /home/controls/bin/miniconda2/envs/o4_dqr_proto_3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gwpy/io/nds2.py_bak 2021-11-05 19:58:53.198393415 +0900 +++ /home/controls/bin/miniconda2/envs/o4_dqr_proto_3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gwpy/io/nds2.py 2021-11-05 19:38:57.644634458 +0900 @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ('V1', ('nds.ligo.caltech.edu', 31200)), ('C1', ('nds40.ligo.caltech.edu', 31200)), ('C0', ('nds40.ligo.caltech.edu', 31200)), + ('K1', ('', 8088)), ]) }}} {{{ conda create --name o4_dqr_proto_3 python=3.8 -y conda activate o4_dqr_prot_3 conda install gwpy conda install m2crypto ciecplib python-nds2-client cryptography==3.3.1 -y conda install igwn-alert -y conda install tree markuppy -y conda activate o4_dqr_proto_3 pip install git+https://git.ligo.org/o4-dqr/o4-dqr-configuration.git pip install git+https://github.com/gwdetchar/gwdetchar.git pip install git+https://git.ligo.org/detchar/dqrtasks.git python -m pip install gwpy[astro] }}} * install ligo-proxy-init, from [[https://computing.docs.ligo.org/guide/software/ldg-client/|the LDG Client package]] {{{ wget http://www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/lscdatagrid/doc/ldg-client.sh -O /tmp/ldg-client.sh && sudo bash /tmp/ldg-client.sh }}} * X.509 certification * For the additional permission to access GraceDB, we need to ask LIGO+Virgo colleague. * There are [[https://computing.docs.ligo.org/guide/authentication/#kagra|two options]] for KAGRA account. Here Yuzurihara used ligo-proxy-init. {{{ ligo-proxy-init -i shibbi.pki.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp albert.einstein }}} * To test the certification, {{{ gracedb ping }}} {{{ grid-proxy-info }}} * The usage of {{{ecp-get-cert}}} {{{ ecp-get-cert --identity-provider KAGRA --username albert.einstein --verbose }}} == Added RETRY option for DAG submission == * Edit the code (`o4-dqr-configuration/dqr_config/DQRdag.py`) {{{ #self.retry = 0 # (2022/07/21 yuzu added) self.retry = 5 }}} == Generate DAG files == * By following [[https://detchar.docs.ligo.org/dqrtasks/example-dqr.html#writing-configuration-files|instruction]], prepare ini files for DQR task manager. * This procedure will NOT require the access GraceDB, because the public alert will be used. * For test code, see {{{/users/yuzu/work/DQR/Script/o4-dqr-configuration:k1det1}}} {{{ mkdir ~/public_html/event dqr-create-dag -g S190924h -v -c ex_configs/defaults.ini ex_configs/condor.ini ex_configs/stationarity1.ini ex_configs/omega1.ini }}} * The generated DAG files are located in {{{/home/controls/public_html/events/}}} * Because we don't store the O3 data in KAGRA site, we need to run this job with gps option. {{{ mkdir ~/public_html/event dqr-create-dag -g 1318260000 -v -c ex_configs/defaults.ini ex_configs/condor.ini ex_configs/stationarity1.ini ex_configs/omega1.ini }}} == Submit DAG jobs == * For example on k1det1 {{{ cd /home/controls/public_html/events/ condor_submit_dag S190924h/data_quality_report_S190924h.dag }}} * Result plots and html are {{{~/public_html/eventsS190924h/omegascan/plots/}}} and {{{~/public_html/eventsS190924h/omegascan/about/index.html}}}