
This project is for glitch and lock loss study. Also applicable to event validation of GW candidate. You can see the result here.

Original developer: Chihiro Kozakai (production of plots), Hirotaka Yuzurihara (web page).

The latest trigger channel list

4/7~4/20 O3GK


SNR threshold



Lock state : Observation mode (K1:GRD-IFO_STATE_N == 1000)


The main purpose is to study glitches and lock loss by visual inspection. Also, collecting information for glitch database is done through voting form for each glitch event. Using the result, we aim to do noise hunting, glitch characterization, and labeling for machine learning application. Here is slides describing how to use: slides

GlitchPlot uses trigger information provided by Omicron. GlitchPlot does clustering of the triggers and summarize the trigger information for each events based on the Omicron output.

Also, GlitchPlot uses lock loss information based on lock state information of guardian.

For each events, plots for triggered channel and relevant channels are provided here. The relevant channels are basically chosen from

Using Kozapy batch codes, following plots are provided:

The parameter for plots are determined based on trigger information. Also, lock state summary around the trigger time is provided.

There is channel list of 2 types of suggestion. The intent of this list is to pick up suspicious channels which is related to noise source.

The event web page shows the result in the following order. 1. Lock state 2. Trigger channel plots 3. Suggestion 1 channel plots 4. Suggestion 2 channel plots 5. Channels affected by DARM DoF 6. Other channels

Specification detail

Trigger clustering

For the trigger clustering method, please refer p3 of slides.

Plot channel list

For the exact channel list for each trigger, please refer $channelname.dat in GlitchPlot github.

Plot parameter

For the exact method for plot parameter determination, please refer and in GlitchPlot github. The intent and the variable name in the shell script is as follows.

Suggestion channel list

It is generated event by event. GlitchPlot/Script/ is used. Please refer p3,4 in slides.

Source code

GlitchPlot github.

Master branch: On Kamioka server, runs by crontab every 15 min. is called. it gives clustered Omicron trigger information as a text file. The text files are sent to Kashiwa server by rsync.

kashiwa branch: On Kashiwa server, runs by crontab every 15 min. Using text file sent from Kamioka, runs to throw jobs into condor to make plots.

Job structure

O3GK configuration (2020/12/16: It is stopped.)

1. On k1sum1: From the Omicron result, triggered event and the parameters are summarized as text files. The files are rsync-ed to Kashiwa server.

By crontab, 4-59/15 * * * * /users/DET/tools/GlitchPlot/Script/ > /tmp/GlitchPlot.log 2>&1

2. On chihiro.kozakai@m31-02: Based on text file sent from k1sum1, plots are produced using condor.

By crontab,

4-59/15 * * * * /home/chihiro.kozakai/detchar/KamiokaTool/tools/GlitchPlot/Script/ > /tmp/GlitchPlot.log 2>&1
10 */3 * * * /home/chihiro.kozakai/detchar/KamiokaTool/tools/GlitchPlot/Script/ > /tmp/GP_lockloss.log 2>&1

3. On k1det0: Plots on Kashiwa server is rsync-ed. Then html for the web page is generated and accessible on GWDET server.

By crontab, 30 */3 * * * /users/DET/tools/GlitchPlot/Script/ > /tmp/GlitchPlot.log

Note for developer