Differences between revisions 30 and 39 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 30 as of 2021-04-05 22:34:19
Size: 3742
Revision 39 as of 2021-11-16 17:45:41
Size: 4103
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * [[https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/lvalert/-/tree/master|LValert]] is The LIGO-Virgo Alert System (LVAlert)  * The LIGO-Virgo Alert System (LVAlert) [[https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/igwn-alert|igwn-alert]]
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   * see [[https://gracedb.ligo.org/documentation/responding_to_lvalert.html|this document]]
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== Usage of {{{lvalert_admin}}} == == Usage of lvalert_admin ==
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== Usage of {{{lvalert_listen}}} and {{{lvalert_send}}} == == Usage of lvalert_listen and lvalert_send ==
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% lvalert_listen -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu -c my_listen.ini -r listener1 & % lvalert_listen -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu -c /users/yuzu/work/lvalert/setting/my_l
isten.ini -r listener1 &
Line 86: Line 89:
  * you can see the details of shell script at `/users/yuzu/work/lvalert` in the Kamioka workstation.   * the details of shell script at `/users/yuzu/work/lvalert` in the Kamioka workstation.
  * the details of configuration files at `/users/yuzu/work/lvalert/setting` in the Kamioka workstation.
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 * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/LVAlert_python2 |LVAlert instruction for python2]]

 * [[https://gracedb.ligo.org/documentation/responding_to_lvalert.html|Tutorial GraceDB]]
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  • The LIGO-Virgo Alert System (LVAlert) igwn-alert

    • a prototype notification service built on the xmpp (jabber) protocol and the pubsub extension.
    • It provides a basic notification tool which allows multiple producers and consumers of notifications.


Setting in advance

  • see this document

  • visit https://lvalert-test.cgca.uwm.edu and activate your account.

  • prepare $HOME/.netrc

    • albert.einstein should be your KAGRA account.
    • PASSWORD should be the password you set at Account Activation site.

    $ echo 'machine lvalert.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password PASSWORD' >> ~/.netrc
    $ echo 'machine lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password PASSWORD' >> ~/.netrc
    $ echo 'machine lvalert-test.cgca.uwm.edu login albert.einstein password PASSWORD' >> ~/.netrc
    $ chmod 0600 ~/.netrc

Usage of lvalert_admin

  • get a list of existing nodes
    $ lvalert_admin -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu --get-nodes
  • create a test node
    $ lvalert_admin -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu --create --node test_k1det
    Creating node test_k1det
    Successfully completed operation
  • subscribe a node
    $ lvalert_admin -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu --subscribe --node test_k1det
    Successfully subscribed to node test_k1det
  • remove a note
    $ lvalert_admin -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu --delete --node test_k1det
  • check current subscriptions
    $ lvalert_admin -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu --subscriptions
  • unsubscribe
    • This works only a node which you created.
      $ lvalert_admin --username hirotaka.yuzurihara -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu --node "tagoshi-testnode"

Usage of lvalert_listen and lvalert_send

  • launch the lvalert_listern
    • this should run in the background
    % lvalert_listen -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu -c /users/yuzu/work/lvalert/setting/my_l
    isten.ini -r listener1 &
  • prepare the dummy alert
    • the real alert will be sent as JSON format. (But, I don't know the actual keys.)
    $ cat test1.txt
    {"uid": "G12345", "alert_type": "new", "far": 1e-8, "gps_time": 1301640384}
    $ cat test2.txt
    {"uid": "G12345", "alert_type": "new", "far": 1e-8}
  • prepare configuration file
    • when we got the alert, the following shell script will run. (Note that this shell script can't use option.)
    • the details of shell script at /users/yuzu/work/lvalert in the Kamioka workstation.

    • the details of configuration files at /users/yuzu/work/lvalert/setting in the Kamioka workstation.

    $ cat my_listen.ini
    executable = ./run_test_k1det.sh
  • send the test alert
    • Although test1.txt has gps_time, test2.txt has no gps_time.
    $ lvalert_send --username hirotaka.yuzurihara -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu -n test_k1det --file test1.txt
    $ lvalert_send --username hirotaka.yuzurihara -s lvalert-playground.cgca.uwm.edu -n test_k1det --file test2.txt

KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/LVAlert (last edited 2022-05-26 18:05:01 by HirotakaYuzurihara)