Differences between revisions 4 and 13 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2019-03-02 16:36:14
Size: 1626
Revision 13 as of 2021-10-13 17:36:58
Size: 2797
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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  *   * install [[https://github.com/gwdetchar/gwdetchar|gwdetchar]] package on conda by using [[https://computing.docs.ligo.org/conda/environments/igwn-py37/|igwn]]
$ wget "https://computing.docs.ligo.org/conda/environments/linux/igwn-py37.yaml"
$ conda env create -n igwn-py37 --file igwn-py37.yaml
Line 33: Line 38:
  * (2021/04/03) Yuzurihara confirmed the following configuration works now
    * Each parameters are explained in [[https://github.com/gwdetchar/gwdetchar/blob/master/gwdetchar/omega/config.py | config.py (gwdetchar-omega)]]

name = Omega-scan (IMC)
q-range = 1,100
frequency-range = 16,512
resample = 4096
duration = 4
fftlength = 1
max-mismatch = 0.2
snr-threshold = 5
always-plot = True
plot-time-durations = 1,2,4
channels = K1:IMC-CAV_TRANS_OUT_DQ

Line 34: Line 59:
  * {{{gwdetchar-omega}}} gets data through NDS or NDS2 server and NDS/NDS2 servers are registered on nds2.py.   * {{{gwdetchar-omega}}} gets data through NDS or NDS2 server and NDS/NDS2 servers are registered on {{{nds2.py}}}.
Line 47: Line 72:

== Links ==
  * [[https://gwdetchar.readthedocs.io/en/stable/omega/ | Omega scans]]
  * [[https://github.com/gwdetchar/gwdetchar/blob/master/gwdetchar/omega/config.py | config.py (gwdetchar-omega)]]
  * [[https://gwdetchar.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_modules/gwdetchar/omega/config.html| document for config file]]



  • install gwdetchar package on conda by using igwn

    • $ wget "https://computing.docs.ligo.org/conda/environments/linux/igwn-py37.yaml"
      $ conda env create -n igwn-py37 --file igwn-py37.yaml

How to use

  • gwdetchar-omega is the command line interface of Omega-scan

    • Usage: (Following command works only on k1sum0 and k1sum1.)
      > gwdetchar-omega -i K1 -o output_directory -f config_file gpstime
    • All figures and html files are generated under the output_directory

    • Example of config_file

      name = Omega-scan (IMC)
      q-range = 1,100
      frequency-range = 16,512
      resample = 4096
      frametype = K1_C
      duration = 4
      fftlength = 1
      max-mismatch = 0.2
      snr-threshold = 10
      always-plot = True
      plot-time-durations = 1,2,4
      channels = K1:IMC-MCL_SERVO_OUT_DQ
  • TY prepared a GUI of Omega-scan.
    • It can be launched from MEDM.
    • Sitemap -> Commissioning -> Glitch pipeline -> Omega-scan

  • (2021/04/03) Yuzurihara confirmed the following configuration works now
    • [IMC]
      name = Omega-scan (IMC)
      q-range = 1,100
      frequency-range = 16,512
      resample = 4096
      duration = 4
      fftlength = 1
      max-mismatch = 0.2
      snr-threshold = 5
      always-plot = True
      plot-time-durations = 1,2,4
      channels = K1:IMC-CAV_TRANS_OUT_DQ

Code modification for KAGRA

  • gwdetchar-omega gets data through NDS or NDS2 server and NDS/NDS2 servers are registered on nds2.py.

  • TY added KAGRA's NDS server to the list on nds2.py
    • --- /home/controls/opt/summary-2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gwpy/io/nds2.py.bak   2018-10-30 20:33:13.858464000 +0900
      +++ /home/controls/opt/summary-2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gwpy/io/nds2.py       2019-03-01 08:41:37.741019590 +0900
      @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ DEFAULT_HOSTS = OrderedDict([
           ('V1', ('nds.ligo.caltech.edu', 31200)),
           ('C1', ('nds40.ligo.caltech.edu', 31200)),
           ('C0', ('nds40.ligo.caltech.edu', 31200)),
      +    ('K1', ('k1nds0.kagra.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp', 8088)),

KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/OmegaScan (last edited 2021-10-13 17:36:58 by HirotakaYuzurihara)