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このwikiはKAGRA detector characterizationのテレコンや会議、アジェンダ、議事録、スタディなどの情報を集めたポータルサイトです。 | This wiki is a portal site getting together with studies, telecoms, meetings, agenda, minutes etc. for the KAGRA detector characterization. |
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* 毎週火曜日15:00~17:00に!SeeVoghを用いてwebミーティングをしています。 * [[|プレゼンテーション、報告の登録]] |
* !SeeVogh-meeting is held on 15:00~17:00 Every Tuesday. * [[|Register of presentation, report]] |
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== 開発ブログ == * [[|ブログ]]:ブログでは開発したdetchar/解析ツールのソースコードや使い方の説明が逐一投稿される。また、現在メンバーがつまづいている問題を共有し解決策を募る用途にも利用される。 |
== Development == * [[|Blog]]: Any progress on detchar tools, tool descriptions, and so on will be posted in the blog. The blog is used to share issues which members are meeting so that solutions are investigated. |
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* [[|HasKAL]]:Detector characterizationを行うために独自開発しているソフトウェアライブラリ。関数型言語HaskellとC言語を中心にして書かれている。 | * [[|HasKAL]]:Software for Detector characterization. Main language is Haskell |
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== 環境センサ配置案 == * [[|環境センサの配置案]] |
== Proposal of location of Environmental sensors == * [[|Proposal]] |
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* [[|Noise Budget計算用ソフトウェアの開発]] | * [[|Schumann resonance]] * [[|Environmental Monitor at X,Yarms]] * [[|Water Effect]] |
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== detchar開発機@大阪市大 == |
Detector Characterization
This wiki is a portal site getting together with studies, telecoms, meetings, agenda, minutes etc. for the KAGRA detector characterization.
SeeVogh-meeting is held on 15:00~17:00 Every Tuesday.
Blog: Any progress on detchar tools, tool descriptions, and so on will be posted in the blog. The blog is used to share issues which members are meeting so that solutions are investigated.
HasKAL:Software for Detector characterization. Main language is Haskell
Proposal of location of Environmental sensors
Noise Investigation
Discussion Item
- 観測シフトプログラム(detector characterization)
- Detector characterizationシステムの開発
Action Item