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Revision 4 as of 2020-11-13 10:17:30
Size: 1206
Editor: satoru.ikeda
Revision 7 as of 2020-11-16 16:14:16
Size: 190
Editor: satoru.ikeda
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== Daily Work ==

=== Checking and recovering status ===
 * All DAQ statuses must be green.
MEDM sitemap - CDS - CDS
 * If it's red, follow these steps to recover.
==== FE Status ====
==== TIM Status ====
==== ADC Status ====
==== DAC Status ====
==== DAQ Status ====
MEDM sitemap - CDS - DAQ Status - !mx_stream - restart
 * If it doesn't turn green, log in to each real time calculator and recover.
$ ssh k1xxx
k1xxx$ sudo /etc/init.d/mx_stream status
 * If it's stopped.
k1xxx$ sudo /etc/init.d/mx_stream restart
==== IPC Status ====
==== AUG Status ====

==== DK/EXC/OVF/CFC Status ====
 * User side issues.
 * Check that the RCGVersion matches the system.
MEDM sitemap - CDS - CDS - k1xxx
Check the display [RCG # x.xx].
 * There is a problem with the model build. Check the modified model for problems.

 * VIS: the next operation might be able to restore it.

[[KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/Daily Operations|VIS Daily Operations]]

DGS Initial Introduction

Initial Document

JGW-E2012223:DGS Initial Introduction Document

KAGRA/Subgroups/DGS/Documents/Initial Introduction (last edited 2020-11-20 09:22:19 by satoru.ikeda)