= Maintenance day = <> == Observing and Engineering Run == === Check list === ==== RTFE ==== * Reset CPU meter and IPC errors (diagreset) * Reset Overflow counts * Reset excitations * Load filter coefficients == Commissioning test == === check list === ==== k1nfs0 ==== * After changing NFS configuration or rebooting k1nfs0, 1. NFS region must be remounted on k1ctr[0-19], k1mon[0-8], k1grd0, k1script and EW9955AH(Common view). 2. Supervisor jobs must be restarted. {{{ k1script# supervisorctl status k1script# supervisorctl start job-name }}} 3. Common View programs must be restarted. {{{ EW9955AH> ntp restart EW9955AH> ubx-ggtts restart }}}