= How to launch screens = Management launched applications on monitor PCs in the control room. == Implementation == === Key script === {{{ /users/k1mon/display/monitor.sh # Usage: # k1ctr*> ssh k1mon* # k1mon*> /users/k1mon/display/monitor.sh [/path/to/config.conf] }}} * If config-file is not selected, `/users/k1mon/display/conf.d/$(hostname -s).conf` is used. === Config file === {{{ ##### k1mon0 #>> k1mon0 1 +0+0 #>> k1mon0 2 +1920+0 #>> k1mon0 3 +0+1080 #>> k1mon0 4 +1920+1080 #------------------------------------ DTT k1mon0 0 1 1920x1080+0+0 /users/Commissioning/templates/diaggui/CARM/FREQ_CAL.xml ADL k1mon0 0 2 1920x1080+0+0 /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/imc/k1/medm/K1IMC-LSC.adl IFO=K1,ifo=k1 ##################################### }}} * A line starting "`#>>`" is a definition of geometrical monitor position. * Format of the geometrical definition {{{ #>> host display +X+Y # host: # hostname of the monitor PC such as k1mon0 # # display: # Display number as a nickname # # +X+Y: # Geometrical information of the application window in the common X11 format. }}} * A line starting "`#`" is a comment. * Format of the definition for launching application windows {{{ app host workspace display WxH+X+Y file [arguments] # app: # ADL = medm # STP = striptool # NDS = ndscope # DTT = diaggui # WEB = firefox # LST = xclock + gps # CAM = GigE camera # FTC = TCam # # host: # hostname of the monitor PC such as k1mon0 # # workspace: # In most case, only 0 is used. # If non-0 value is used, application window is launched after switching a workspace. # # display: # Display number which is defined by `#>>' keyword. # Application windows are launched in the selected display. # # WxH+X+Y: # Geometrical information of the application window in the common X11 format. # # file: # Launched file. # ADL -> *.adl # STP -> *.stp # NDS -> *.yml # DTT -> *.xml # WEB -> URL # LST -> None # CAM -> /kagra/camera/*.ini # FTC -> {IX,IY,EX,EY} # # arguments: # ADL: 1st -> macro such as IFO=K1,ifo=k1 # 2nd -> unique name # which is required only when a same adl screen is launched # in multi-times with another macro parameters # WEB: 1st -> unique name }}} == Note == * The same application window will not be launched more than once by this script. * Application windows which are already launched are skipped. * Whether an application window is already launched or not is determined by the window title. * This script changes the window title for all application windows as a unique name. * If there are some application windows which is launched by another ways, managing window-title may break down. * So, don't launch application window in manually on monitor PCs if you want to use this script.