== Directory structures and important files for Small Network System (RTS2.5.2) == ==== Directory in master PC for master itself and slave (k1tst1, k1tst2) for PXE boot ==== * master: / (root) * /etc/dhcp/dhcpcd.conf: configuration file for PXE boot * k1tst1 and k1tst2: /diskless/root on master booted by PXE * /diskless/root will be mounted to / (root) on k1tst1 and k1tst2 * /opt/rtcds on k1tst1 and k1tst2 are NFS mounted to /opt/rtcds on master * /opt/rtapps on k1tst1 and k1tst2 are NFS mounted to /opt/rtapps on master * /home/controls on k1tst1 and k1tst2 are NFS mounted to /home/controls on master * /usr on k1tst1 and k1tst2 are NFS mounted to /usr on master ----- ==== For master ==== * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/ : mainly setting for daqd, nds. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqdrc : a setting file for daqd. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/master : a setting file to call channel information. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/logs/ : log files for daqd and nds. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/jobs/ : working directory for nds. * /opt/rtcds/rtscores/ : Including all advLigoRTS svn structure until 2.6.1. Under tags or branches folders, each folder includes Makefile to build nds and daqd. * To build nds,just type {{{ >make nds }}} under /opt/rtcds/rtscores/ and copy build/nds/nds to /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/ (use 'ls -s daqd.xxx daqg' if you want to keep old versions). * To build daqd {{{ >make mx }}} under /opt/rtcds/rtscores/and copy build/mx/daqd to /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/ (use 'ls -s daqd.xxx daqd' if you want to keep old versions). * /opt/rtapps/ : additional application folder to run RTS: epics, fftw, framecpp, gds, lib frame, mebmetaio, root, rtapps-user-env.sh. * /opt/mx: mx (Mirynet) directory for master * master has no /etc/rc.local * /etc/conf.d/local.start : to start 'ntpdate', 'ntpd', 'caRepeater', 'symmetricom', 'dis_networkmgr'. * /etc/inittab : to start 'nds' and 'daqd(mx)'. * /etc/xinet.d/ : setting files to start 'diagconf', 'chnconf' and 'leapconf'. * /etc/service : to start diagconf. * /etc/rpc : to start chnconf and leapconf. * /etc/export : for NFS export * /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ : folder to setup library path for epics, fftw, frame-up, gds, mx * Type {{{ sudo /sbin/lsconfig }}} after you changed settings. * /home/controls/.bashrc * /etc/bash/bashrc * /opt/rtapps/rtapps-user-env.sh * /opt/rtcds/rtcds-user-env.sh ---- ==== For slave (k1tst1, and k1tst2) ==== * /opt/open-mx: open mx directory for slave * /opt/DIS: Dolphin reflective memory directory for slave * /opt/srcdis * /opt/rtcds/rtscores/ . Including all advLigoRTS svn structure until 2.6.1. Under tags or branches folders, each folder includes Makefile to build RT models, awgtman , mbuf etc. * To build RT model, longin to k1tst1 or k1tst2 (probably master is also OK), change directory to version you need, and just type {{{ > make x1x14 > make install-x1x14 > make x1vex > make install-x1vex }}} to start the new model, you MUST login k1tst1 or k1tst2 which you run the model{{{ > killx1vex > startx1x14 > startx1vex }}} k1tst1 has x1x14, x1x15, and k1tst2 has x1x16, x1x17, x1x18(2013/3/5). * Each RTS folder under /opt/rtcds/rtscores/tags/ or /opt/rtcds/rtscores/branches/ includes * src/epics/simLink/ . .mdl (RT model) files. Matlab opens these model files. * src/epics/simLink/lib/ . library for RT models with Matlab. Needs to path at the beginning when Matlab open .mdl files. * To build awgtpman cd src/gds and type {{{ >make }}}, To build mbuf cd src/drv/mbuf and type {{{ >make }}} * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/scripts : script files to restart/kill RT models. To start or kill RT models, you MUST login k1tst1 or k1tst2 which you run the model, and type {{{ > startx1x14 }}} for example. This commands can be run in any directory since path is set in .bashrc in /home/controls. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/ * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/bin/ : binary file of awgtpman. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/awgtpman_startup/ : startup scripts for awgtpman, called from startup script of each model. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/awgtpman_logs/ : log files for starting awgtpman. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/param/ : detail of testpoint channels. testpoint.par is automatically produced. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1x14/ etc. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1x14/scripts etc. : called from /etc/rc.local to load epics IOC, RT kernel module, awgtpman. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1x14/x1x14epics etc. : called from startup script of each model to start epics ioc. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/medm/ : for medm .adl files, used by medm. * /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/ : digital filter setting files, used by foton. * /opt/rtapps/ : additional application folder to run RTS: epics, fftw, framecpp, gds, lib frame, mebmetaio, root, rtapps-user-env.sh. * /etc/rc.local : to start 'caRepeat', 'mbuf', 'load_dolphin_drivers.sh', 'omx', 'dxconfig', 'dis_nodemgr', 'mx_stream', 'gen_awgtiman_script.sh', 'monit'. * /etc/rtsystab : includes name of RT models to be run. * /etc/fstab : mount for diskless root etc. * /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ : folder to setup library path for epics, open-mx * Type {{{ sudo /sbin/lsconfig }}} after you changed settings (currently there is no way to refresh ld cash from slaves for permission). * /lib/modules/ : location of mbuf module 'mbuf.ko'. Called from /etc/rc.local. * /home/controls/.bashrc * /etc/bash/bashrc * /opt/rtapps/rtapps-user-env.sh * /opt/rtcds/rtcds-user-env.sh