Setup CDS software with front-end

  1. change controls UID to 1001, and controls GID to 1001 because all of the CDS files owned by controls account with UID=1001 and GID=1001. see

  2. sudo chown 1001 /frames
    sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /frames/*
    sudo chown 1001 /opt
    sudo chown 1001 /opt/apps
    sudo chown 1001 /opt/rtcds
    sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /opt/apps/*
    sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /opt/rtcds/*
  3. sudo apt-get install tcsh
  4. change default shell to tcsh
  5. sudo apt-get install g++
  6. Install Matlab with simulink at /opt/apps/linux64/matlab
  7. install NFS client as

    sudo apt-get install nfs-common
  8. add in /etc/fstab

    standalone:/opt/rtcds   /opt/rtcds      nfs     rw,bg,soft       0       0
    standalone:/opt/rtapps  /opt/rtapps     nfs     rw,bg,soft       0       0
    standalone:/opt/cdscfg  /opt/cdscfg     nfs     rw,bg,soft       0       0
  9. add in /etc/hosts standalone desktop1
  10. add /etc/host on standalone(master)       standalone       desktop1
  11. sudo reboot 
  12. Add slow channel file name at /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/master


    and add slow channels at /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/daq/X1EDCU.ini

  13. Change /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/start_daqd

    exec su controls -c 'nice -19 /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqd -c /opt/rtcds/tst
    /x1/target/fb/daqdrc' > /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/logs/daqd.log.$$ 2>&1 

    and /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/start_nds

    exec su controls -c '/opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/nds /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb
    /pipe' > /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/logs/nds.log.$$ 2>&1 
    to write framedata as controls owned.
  14. To run daqconfig properly

    sudo emerge tk
  15. Run daqconfig, define DAQ channels and activate them.
  16. modifi /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqd
    • change epics server name to "X0:DAQ-FB0_" "X1:DAQ-FB0_"

Other important files

How to

How to change model from x1x14 to x1x30 for example

  1. On 'desktop1' PC

    >cd /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/core/advLigoRTS/trunk/src/epics/simLink/
    >cp x1x14.mdl x1x30.mdl
  2. build x1x30

    >cd /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/core/advLigoRTS/trunk
    >make uninstall-x1x30
    >make x1x30
    >make install-x1x30
    >make install-daq-x1x30
    >make install-screens-x1x30
     1. If you want to change dcuid, start matlab, open the x1x30.mdl, and change dcuid on left top box.
     1. {{{
    >sudo emacs /etc/stsysteb

and put the new model name or exchange existing model to the new one.

  1. restart 'standalone'

    >sudo reboot
  2. change /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/master
  3. define and activate daq channels using daqdconfig

How to change IP address

  1. Edit /etc/conf.d/net for IP address and router address
  2. Edit /etc/hosts
  3. Edit /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/param/diag
  4. Edit /etc/xinet.d/diagconf

Trouble shooting

Test point, DAQ

diagnostic for front end