Setup CDS software with front-end

  1. change controls UID to 1001, and controls GID to 1001 because all of the CDS files owned by controls account with UID=1001 and GID=1001. see

  2. sudo chown 1001 /frames
    sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /frames/*
    sudo chown 1001 /opt
    sudo chown 1001 /opt/apps
    sudo chown 1001 /opt/rtcds
    sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /opt/apps/*
    sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /opt/rtcds/*
  3. sudo apt-get install tcsh
  4. change default shell to tcsh
  5. sudo apt-get install g++
  6. Install Matlab with simulink at /opt/apps/linux64/matlab
  7. install NFS client as

    sudo apt-get install nfs-common
  8. add in /etc/fstab

    standalone:/opt/rtcds   /opt/rtcds      nfs     rw,bg,soft       0       0
    standalone:/opt/rtapps  /opt/rtapps     nfs     rw,bg,soft       0       0
    standalone:/opt/cdscfg  /opt/cdscfg     nfs     rw,bg,soft       0       0
  9. add in /etc/hosts standalone desktop1
  10. add /etc/host on standalone(master)       standalone       desktop1
  11. sudo reboot 
  12. Add slow channel file name at /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/master


    and add slow channels at /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/daq/X1EDCU.ini

  13. Change /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/start_daqd

    exec su controls -c 'nice -19 /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqd -c /opt/rtcds/tst
    /x1/target/fb/daqdrc' > /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/logs/daqd.log.$$ 2>&1 

    and /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/start_nds

    exec su controls -c '/opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/nds /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb
    /pipe' > /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/logs/nds.log.$$ 2>&1 
    to write framedata as controls owned.
  14. To run daqconfig properly

    sudo emerge tk
  15. Run daqconfig, define DAQ channels and activate them.
  16. modifi /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqd
    • change epics server name to "X0:DAQ-FB0_" "X1:DAQ-FB0_"

important files

how to change model from x1x14 to x1x30 for example

  1. On 'desktop1' PC

    >cd /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/core/advLigoRTS/trunk/src/epics/simLink/
    >cp x1x14.mdl x1x30.mdl
  2. build x1x30

    >cd /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/core/advLigoRTS/trunk
    >make uninstall-x1x30
    >make x1x30
    >make install-x1x30
    >make install-daq-x1x30
    >make install-screens-x1x30
     1. If you want to change dcuid, start matlab, open the x1x30.mdl, and change dcuid on left top box.
     1. {{{
    >sudo emacs /etc/stsysteb

and put the new model name or exchange existing model to the new one.

  1. restart 'standalone'

    >sudo reboot
  2. change /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/master
  3. define and activate daq channels using daqdconfig

How to change IP address

  1. Edit /etc/conf.d/net for IP address and router address
  2. Edit /etc/hosts
  3. Edit /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/param/diag
  4. Edit /etc/xinet.d/diagconf

Trouble shooting

Test point

If diag -i is OK and everything seems OK but you cannot use test point on diaggui for expample, suspect IP address is not correct. Check


for IP address and router address.

diagnostic for front end

sudo /sbin/init q

controls@standalone ~ $ diag -i
Diagnostics configuration:
awg 24 0 822095896 1
nds * * 8088 *
tp 24 0 822091800 1

controls@standalone ~ $ ps -ef | grep nds
root      4051     1  0 11:30 ?        00:00:00 /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/nds /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/pipe
controls 15479 15384  0 15:48 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --colour=auto nds

controls@standalone ~ $ ps -ef | grep daqd
root     15316     1  0 15:40 ?        00:00:02 /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqd -c /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqdrc
controls 15490 15384  0 15:49 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --colour=auto daqd

controls@standalone ~ $ ps -ef | grep awg 
root     15273     1  0 15:38 pts/0    00:00:03 /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/bin/awgtpman -s x1x14 -4
controls 15606 15384  0 15:58 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --colour=auto awg

controls@standalone ~ $ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
x1x14fe              4486882  0 
mbuf                    7546  3 x1x14fe

controls@standalone ~ $ more /proc/modules 
x1x14fe 4486882 0 - Live 0xffffffffa045e000
mbuf 7546 3 x1x14fe, Live 0xffffffffa0000000

controls@standalone ~ $ more /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/master     

controls@standalone ~ $ more /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/param/testpoint.par 

controls@standalone /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/scripts $ more /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1x14/x1x14epics/startupX1 
./x1x14epics x1x14epicsX1.cmd >& iocX1.log &
echo x1x14epics X1 IOC Server started

controls@standalone /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/scripts $ more /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1x14/x1x14epics/iocX1.log 
dbLoadDatabase "dbd/a.dbd"
dbLoadDatabase "dbd/x1x14.dbd"
dbLoadRecords "db/X1/x1x141.db"
Starting iocInit
## EPICS R3.14.9 $R3-14-9$ $2007/02/05 16:31:45$
## EPICS Base built Sep 29 2008
iocInit: All initialization complete
seq &x1x14,("ifo=X1, site=tst, sys=X14, sysnum= 24, sysfile=X1X14 ")
SEQ Version 2.0.11: Mon Sep 29 14:55:46 2008
cas warning: Configured TCP port was unavailable.
cas warning: Using dynamically assigned TCP port 37288,
cas warning: but now two or more servers share the same UDP port.
cas warning: Depending on your IP kernel this server may not be
cas warning: reachable with UDP unicast (a host's IP in EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST)

controls@standalone /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/scripts $ more /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1x14/scripts/startupX1rt
sudo /sbin/insmod /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1x14/bin/x1x14fe.ko  >  /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/x1x14/logs/log.txt  2>& 1 &

controls@standalone ~ $ more /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/startup_x1x14.cmd 
cd /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds; sudo /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/bin/awgtpman 
-s x1x14 -4 > x1x14.log 2>& 1 &

controls@standalone ~ $ more /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/x1x14.log         
64 kHz system
/dev/mbuf mmapped address is 0x7fa31cf8a000
/dev/mbuf mmapped address is 0x7fa31cb8a000
My config file is /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/param/tpchn_x1x14.par
IPC at 0x1cb8a000
Total PCI cards from the master: 1
Model 0 = 0
Found ADC at 0
Spawn testpoint manager
waiting to sync 22720
remotehost = ; section= X-node0
testpoint_server.c:761 keep alive 2 from
keep alive 2 from

controls@standalone ~ $ more /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqdrc
set thread_stack_size=102400;
set avoid_reconnect;
set allow_tpman_connect_fail;
set dcu_status_check=5;
#set symm_gps_offset=2;
set debug=0;
set log=2;
set zero_bad_data=0;
set dcu_status_check=9;
set controller_dcu=24;

set master_config="/opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/master";
configure channels begin end;
tpconfig "/opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/param/testpoint.par";

set gps_leaps = 820108813;

set detector_name="CIT";
set detector_prefix="C1";
set detector_longitude=-90.7742403889;
set detector_latitude=30.5628943337;
set detector_elevation=.0;
set detector_azimuths=1.1,4.7123889804;
set detector_altitudes=1.0,2.0;
set detector_midpoints=2000.0, 2000.0;

set num_dirs = 10;
set frames_per_dir=225;
set full_frames_per_file=1;
set full_frames_blocks_per_frame=16;
set frame_dir="/frames/full", "C-R-", ".gwf";
set trend_num_dirs=10;
set trend_frames_per_dir=1440;
set trend_frame_dir= "/frames/trend/second", "C-T-", ".gwf";
set raw-minute-trend-dir="/frames/trend/minute_raw";

set nds-jobs-dir="/opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb";

set minute-trend-num-dirs=10;
set minute-trend-frames-per-dir=24;
set minute-trend-frame-dir="/frames/trend/minute", "C-M-", ".gwf";

start main 10;
start profiler;

# comment out this block to stop saving data
start frame-saver;
sync frame-saver;
start trender;
start trend-frame-saver;
sync trend-frame-saver;
start raw_minute_trend_saver;

#start frame-writer "" broadcast="" all;
#sleep 5;

start producer;
start epics dcu;
start epics server "C0:DAQ-FB0_" "C1:DAQ-FB0_";

start listener 8087;
start listener 8088 1;
sleep 60;
clear crc;