= Setup CDS software on Workstations = ---- == Setup == 1. change controls UID to 1001, and controls GID to 1001 because all of the CDS files owned by controls account with UID=1001 and GID=1001. see [[https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLIGO/CdsUbuntuDesktopBuild]] 1. {{{ sudo chown 1001 /frames sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /frames/* sudo chown 1001 /opt sudo chown 1001 /opt/apps sudo chown 1001 /opt/rtcds sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /opt/apps/* sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /opt/rtcds/* }}} 1. {{{ sudo apt-get install tcsh}}} 1. change default shell to tcsh 1. {{{ sudo apt-get install g++}}} 1. Install Matlab with simulink at /opt/apps/linux64/matlab 1. install NFS client as {{{ sudo apt-get install nfs-common }}} 1. add in /etc/fstab{{{ standalone:/opt/rtcds /opt/rtcds nfs rw,bg,soft 0 0 standalone:/opt/rtapps /opt/rtapps nfs rw,bg,soft 0 0 standalone:/opt/cdscfg /opt/cdscfg nfs rw,bg,soft 0 0 }}} 1. add in /etc/hosts{{{ standalone desktop1 }}} 1. {{{ sudo reboot }}} ---- == Installation == === EPICS installation === * Installed binary package from /daq/software/binary/apps/... in [[https://llocds.ligo-la.caltech.edu/daq|aLIGO DAQ software page]]. === fftw installation === * Installed binary package from /daq/software/binary/apps/... in [[https://llocds.ligo-la.caltech.edu/daq|aLIGO DAQ software page]]. === grace installation === * Installed binary package from a standard package using ''sudo apt-get install grace''. <> === dataviewer compilation === * クライアントのdesktopに移り、{{{ >rtr }}}で最新バージョンのRTSソースのルートに移る。{{{ >cd src/dv }}} でadvLigoRTS-2.X/src/dvに移り、{{{ >make >make install (古いバージョンではmake ligoapps) }}}と打つ。インストールスクリプトにより、/ligo/apps/linux-x86_64/dv-2.X以下にインストールされるが、/ligo/apps及びその下のlinux-x86_64はシンボリックリンクなので、実際のディレクトリは/opt/apps/linux64/となる。その中にdvというリンクを貼っているので、シンボリックリンクを以下のようにして張り直す;{{{ >cd /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64 >rm sv >ln -s dv-2.X.X dv (Xはバージョン番号が入る) }}} * もしライブラリが足りない等のエラーが出たときは、以下を試す。 1. sudo apt-get install libXp-dev 1. sudo apt-get install libXpm-dev === metaio installation === * Installed binary package from /daq/software/binary/apps/... in [[https://llocds.ligo-la.caltech.edu/daq|aLIGO DAQ software page]]. === Root compilation === * 5.26.00 shown in [[https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLIGO/CdsUbuntuDesktopBuild|aLIGO CDS page]] did not work. We installed 5.28.00 === GDS compilation === GDS is also maintained in a CDS Subversion repository. So, as with dataviewer, we will checkout the gds repository, export it, and build from there. The configure will use some switches to limit the build to non-DMT tools and to add EPICS tools. 1. mkdir /ligo/cds/project/repos/gds 1. cd /ligo/cds/project/repos/gds 1. ''svn co https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/gds/trunk --username='' 1. cd trunk 1. svn export . /ligo/cds/project/gds-2.14.2 1. cd /ligo/cds/project/gds-2.14.2 1. ./bootstrap 1. export GDSBUILD=online 1. ''./configure --prefix=/opt/apps/linux64/gds-2.15.0 --enable-only-dtt --with-epics=/opt/apps/linux64/epics'' 1. make 1. make install 1. cd /opt/apps/linux64/ 1. ln -s gds-2.15.0 gds === TDS installation === * Installed binary package from /daq/software/binary/apps/... in [[https://llocds.ligo-la.caltech.edu/daq|aLIGO DAQ software page]]. === Not installed software === * Software shown in [[https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLIGO/CdsUbuntuDesktopBuild|aLIGO CDS page]], we did not install framecpp, FrameL(libframe), MATLAB tools(mDV, awgstream, ligoDV), and Useful tools(ligotools, sunutils). ---- === How to put icon on panel bar === 1. Make a Custom Application Launcher by right click on panel bar and select Add to Panel. In "Command" put like {{{ tcsh -c 'cd /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/medm/ && /opt/apps/linux64/epics/extensions/bin/linux-x86_64/medm -displayFont fixed -x' }}}