Input Mode Cleaner Hardware

Location of the servo components

Assigned to Aso


Assigned to Aso

Interface between RTS and MC suspensions

MC board

Assigned to Michimura and Nakano

→ LIGO-D1002416-v5(pole/zeroの位置は適宜調整されている可能性あり。参考: LIGO-D040180(回路図)、LIGO-E1200177(LIGOでの変更履歴))

→ なさそう。

→ SMBとSMCは必要(参照: JGW-T1402941)。

Interface between MC board and RTS

Assigned to Michimura and Nakano

→ MC board: JGW-T1402941 (配線図あり)

→ TTFSS: JGW-G1402963 (配線図あり)

Interface between RTS and MC suspensions

Assigned to Ohishi, Saito, Miyakawa