= IOO meeting 2019 1007 = == Connection == Zoom3: https://zoom.us/j/5045179604 == Participants == Aso, Ohashi?, Somiya, Takahashi, Akutsu, Fujikawa, Sugai, Nakano, Suzuki, Uehara, == Announcements == * Deadline of the application for F2F meeting was Nov. 5th === Conferences === * F2F meeting at RESCUE on Dec. 4th to 5th -> Scattered light: Sugai? -> OMC: Somiya * Asia nantoka -> Kokeyama == Recent Status == === IMC === * ASC === OMC, OMMT, OSTM === * OMC commissioning is ongoing. (somiya, aso) * At Sep. 25th. The jig was manufactured and tested. However, the PZT cable cannot be connected with the jig, and it is modified now. -> * The QPD driver did not work well, however, the driver itself seemed fine. -> Test with the LED. * PZT driver is not delivered yet. * OMC glue jig? * PD mount will be delivered ~10/18. * Curved steering mirror will be delivered ~end Oct. * OSTM replacement (takahashi) * Next week, the suspension will be assembled and tested with the dammy mirror. * The mirror is delivered to NAOJ, and Matteo is working in the inspection. * Installation schedule arrangement: * OSTM should be installed after the OMC. * Beam dump? === Niigata === * Double demodulation * * Scattering measurement * == Visitor == * Anamaria, Adam from LIGO in Nov. and Dec. == Meeting schedule == * 12/2 (Mon.)