=== Task List for Phase-1 OMC and OFI (updated 18/3/13) === ||<:>tasks||<:>person in charge||due date||<:>status|| ||OMMT1/2 mirrors||<:>Hirose||<:>end March||to be delivered in March|| ||OMMT1/2 suspensions||<:>Ohishi||<:>3Q 2018||planned to be manufactured in fall 2018|| ||OSTM bluk||<:>Hirose/Somiya||<:>April||to be delivered to ICRR on April 5|| ||OSTM polish/coating||<:>Hirose||<:>3Q 2018||to be ordered in April|| ||OSTM suspensions||<:>Ohishi||<:>4Q 2018||planned to be manufactured in fall 2018|| ||Pillars for output optics||<:>Somiya||<:>2Q 2018||Al blocks delivered and sent to TT machine shop|| ||In-vac RF PD/QPDs||<:>Michimura||<:>3Q 2018||Not yet|| ||OFI breadboard||<:>Somiya||<:>1Q 2018||designing|| ||OFI TFP mounts||<:>Somiya||<:>1Q 2018||new mounts being designed|| ||OFI input/output baffle||<:>Somiya||<:>1Q 2018||being designed|| ||OFI beam dump||<:>Somiya||<:>1Q 2018||being considered|| ||OFI optical properties||<:>Otabe/Ribes||<:>1Q 2018||TFP extinction ratio measured|| ||OFI spacer||<:>Somiya||<:>1Q 2018||Not yet|| ||OFI installation||<:>||<:>3Q 2018||Planned in Sep 2018 or earlier|| ||OMC transport fixture||<:>Somiya||<:>3Q 2018||Not yet|| ||OMC PD Mounts||<:>Somiya||<:>2Q 2018||Excelitas PD pin location should be checked|| ||OMC QPD Mounts||<:>Somiya||<:>2Q 2018||QPD pin location should be checked|| ||OMC beam dump||<:>Somiya||<:>1Q 2018||Delivered to TT|| ||OMC LSC||<:>||<:>2020||Partially done|| ||OMC ASC||<:>||<:>2020||Not yet|| ||OMC suspension frame||<:>Somiya||<:>3Q 2018||Tested some examples but not easy|| ||OMC Cablings||<:>Somiya+someone||<:>3Q 2018||Dsub connectors and AWG32 cables ordered; to be test-manufactured at TT|| ||OMC installation||<:>||<:>4Q 2018||Planned in Sep-Oct 2018|| ||RF readout path setup||<:>||<:>4Q 2018|||| ||Beacon signal simulation||<:>Kirii?||<:>||Not yet|| ||Cross-check of the OMC/OFI calculations||<:>||<:>||Not yet|| ||Digital system for OMC||<:>Kirii?||<:>||Not yet|| === Task List for Phase-2 OMC and OFI (updated 18/3/13) === ||OFI suspension||<:>||<:>||Not yet|| ||OFI suspension frame||<:>||<:>||Not yet|| ||OMC silica breadboard||<:>Somiya||<:>3Q 2018||to be ordered in March|| ||OMC actuator||<:>||<:>||Not yet||