= Analog Electronics for Interferometer Control = == Upcoming Request for AEL == Quantities (without spare) for chassis (not boards) we have to additionally make by the specified time are shown. Request from IOO+MIF(+IMC suspension?). ||Name ||by 2016.10 <
>(for IMC WFS) ||by 2017.2 <
>(for green PLL, ISS) ||by 2017.5 <
>(for PRMI initial alignment) ||by 2017.7 <
>(for PRMI LSC/ASC) ||by full bKAGRA ||Produced || ||High Power Coil Driver || || || || ||3? (only for IMC included) ||? || ||Quad IQ Demodulator LSC || || || || ||7 ||5 || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||+2 || || ||+4 ||22 ||0 || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||+1 || || ||+2 ||10 ||1(handmade) || ||Common Mode Servo Board || || || ||+1 ||4 ||0 || ||Frequency Doubler || || || ||+1 ||2 ||0 || ||ISS Board || ||+1? || || ||1 ||0 || ||Phase Frequency Discreminator || ||+1? || || ||1 ||0 || ||VCO with PLL || ||+2? || || ||2 ||0 || == Low noise VCOs == [[/LowNoiseVCOs]] == Electronics == Red rows: To be designed (or selected). Yellow rows: Not yet purchased, short of stock, or in production. Green rows: Ready for bKAGRA Phase 1. White rows: Ready for bKAGRA. Pink rows: taken cared by ToyamaU Last update: Sept 11, 2017 (Added electronics for RF AM, updated status) ||Name ||Height ||Schematics ||Power ||Description ||Needed<
>(bKAGRA Phase 1) ||Needed<
>(bKAGRA) ||Produced ||Status || ||||||||||||||||||for PSL || ||<#66ff00>RF Oscillator Source ||2U ||[[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6762|JGW-T1706762]], [[https://www.keysight.com/ja/pdx-x201911-pn-N5181B/mxg-x-series-rf-analog-signal-generator-9-khz-to-6-ghz?cc=JP&lc=jpn|Agilent N5181B]] ||AC ||for the time being (for auxiliary modulations like fPMC, fIMC, fALS, we should use cheaper fixed oscillator) ||5 ||7 ||6 ||Stored in ICRR, Hongo, and Toyama || ||RF PD ||- ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1280|JGW-D1201280]] ||+-18V ||has RF HI, RF LOW outputs(BNC), and DC output(Dsub 9pin, which includes +-18V) ||6 ||18 ||3+20+20 ||3 handmaking done; 40 arrived with diodes(20 for MIF, 20 without resonances); [[KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL/Photodetectors/RFPDList|List]] || ||DC PD ||- ||[[http://www.thorlabs.co.jp/thorproduct.cfm?partnumber=PDA100A|Thorlabs PDA100A]] ||+-12V ||has DC output(BNC), needs power cable [[http://www.thorlabs.co.jp/thorproduct.cfm?partnumber=PDA-C-72|PDA-C-72]] ||7 ||9 ||6+5 ||At Kamioka Branch || ||TTFSS ||- ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1823|JGW-D1301823]] ||from Interface || ||1 ||1 ||1 ||At the site || ||TTFSS Interface ||- ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1831|JGW-D1301831]] ||+-17V,+-24V,+-200V || ||1 ||1 ||1 ||At the site || ||AOM Driver ||- ||Crystal Technology 1110AF-AEFO-1.5 ||+28V || ||1 ||1 ||1 ||At the site, for reference cavity || ||PZT Driver ||- ||? ||AC ||for periscope PZTs, 2ch ||1 ||1 ||1 ||At the site?? || ||PMC Servo Board ||- ||([[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1823|JGW-D1301823]]) ||from Interface || ||1 ||1 ||1 ||At the site (basically copy of TTFSS) || ||PMC Servo Board Interface ||- ||([[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1831|JGW-D1301831]]) ||+-17V,+-24V,+-200V || ||1 ||1 ||1 ||At the site (basically copy of TTFSS Interface) || ||||||||||||||||||for IMC LSC || ||<#66ff00>Quad IQ Demodulator LSC ||1U ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2412|JGW-D1402412]] ||+-18V ||4 LOs for 4 demodulation channels ||1 ||7 ||5 ||At Kamioka Branch, additional requested to AEL ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5487|JGW-T1605487]]) || ||<#ffff00>Dual IQ Demodulator ||1U ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-E1100044/public|LIGO-E1100044]]) ||+-18V ||2 LOs for 2 demodulation channels, fast verison ||3 ||3 || ||use QuadIQ for now || ||Common Mode Servo Board ||2U ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=3705|JGW-D1503705]] ||+-17V,+-24V ||2 inputs, slow and fast outputs ||2 ||4 ||5 ||At Kamioka Branch [[KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL/CMSB|List]]|| ||RF PD Interface Board ||1U ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=3818|JGW-D1503818]] ||+-18V ||for ribbon cables from 4 RF PDs, with whitening filter ||3 ||6 ||10 ||At Kamioka Branch || ||||||||||||||||||for IMC ASC, better PSL || ||RF QPD ||- ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=3812|JGW-D1403812]],[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=3813|JGW-D1403813]] ||+-18V ||should have 4 RF outputs, 4 DC outputs ||8 ||14 ||5+15 ||5 for IMC, 15 for IFO at Kamioka Branch; [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL/Photodetectors/RFQPDList|List]] || ||RF QPD Interface Board ||1U ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=3814|JGW-D1503814]] ||+- 18V ||for ribbon cables from 4 RF QPDs, without whitening filter ||3 ||4 ||5 ||At Kamioka Branch || ||DC QPD ||- ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2411|JGW-D1402411]] ||+-15V ||has 4 DC outputs(Dsub 15pin, which includes +-15V) use oplev QPD for the time being ||10 ||12 ||40 ||(including ones for oplevs, ones for green) || ||DC QPD Interface Board ||1U ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2087|JGW-D1302087]] ||+-18V ||for ribbon cables from 2 DC QPDs, with whitening filter ||5 ||8 ||20 ||At Kamioka Branch (including ones for oplevs) || ||<#ffff00>Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2412|JGW-D1402412]] ||+-18V ||1 LO for 4 demodulation channels ||8 ||22 ||0 ||Requested to AEL ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5488|JGW-T1605488]]) || ||<#ffff00>RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4460|JGW-D1504460]] ||+-24V ||split into 8 ||4 ||10 ||1 ||Requested to AEL ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5490|JGW-T1605490]]) || ||<#ff0000>Delay Line Phase Shifter ||1U ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D0900128/public|LIGO-D0900128]]) ||+15V? ||for 2 channels ||3 ||3 || || || ||<#ff0000>DC PD Interface Board ||- ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1002932|LIGO-D1002932]]) ||+-12V ||for 4 DC PDs, without whitening filter, on output tables ||5 ||6 || || || ||||||||||||||||||for DRFPMI || ||<#ffff00>Frequency Doubler ||1U ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1002178/public|LIGO-D1002178]]) ||+-17V,+-24V ||for sideband power monitor ||1 ||2 || ||Requested to AEL ([[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5492|JGW-T1605492]]) || ||<#ff0000>Difference Frequency Generator ||1U? || || ||for nonresonant sidebands, 2 channels ||0 ||1 || || || ||||||||||||||||||for ALS || ||<#ff0000>RF PD for green ||- ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1002969/public|LIGO-D1002969]]) || ||use IR circuit but change PD? ||2? ||2 || || || ||<#ff0000>BB PD for IR ||- ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1002969/public|LIGO-D1002969]]) || ||for ALS PLL (we use IR beat for KAGRA, while aLIGO uses green beat) ||2? ||2 || || || ||<#ff0000>BB PD Interface Board ||1U? ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1102079/public|LIGO-D1102079]]) || ||same for RF PD Interface? ||1? ||1 || || || ||<#ff0000>DC PD for green ||- ||[[http://www.thorlabs.co.jp/thorproduct.cfm?partnumber=PDA100A|Thorlabs PDA100A]] ||+-12V ||has DC output, needs power cable [[http://www.thorlabs.co.jp/thorproduct.cfm?partnumber=PDA-C-72|PDA-C-72]] ||2? ||2 || || || ||DC QPD for green ||- ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2411|JGW-D1402411]] ||+-15V ||has 4 DC outputs(Dsub 15pin, which includes +-15V) use oplev QPD for the time being ||4? ||4 ||40 ||(including ones for oplevs, ones for IR) || ||<#ff00ff>Phase Frequency Discriminator ||1U ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1002476/public|LIGO-D1002476]]) ||+-17V,+-24V ||for ALS, 2 channels ||2? ||1 || ||Made by ToyamaU? || ||<#ff00ff>VCO with PLL ||2U ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D0900605/public|LIGO-D0900605]],[[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1300812/public|LIGO-D1300812]]) ||+-17V,+-24V ||for PLL VCO, we will use [[https://www.keysight.com/ja/pdx-x201773-pn-E8663D/psg-rf-analog-signal-generator-100-khz-to-9-ghz?cc=JP&lc=jpn|E8663D]] ||2? ||2 || ||Made by ToyamaU? || ||||||||||||||||||for better sensitivity || ||<#ff0000>DC PD in vacuum ||- ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1101059|LIGO-D1101059]]) || ||for ISS and OMCTVAC ||0 ||3 || || || ||<#ff0000>DC QPD in vacuum ||- ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T0900423/public|LIGO-T0900423]]); also see [[https://dcc.ligo.org/public/0070/G1100950/001/QPD_test_status.pdf|this]] for the explanation of the 5th diode. || ||bare QPD without amplifier ||0 ||10 || || || ||<#ff0000>DC QPD in vacuum for green ||- ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T0900423/public|LIGO-T0900423]]) || ||bare QPD without amplifier ||0 ||4 || || || ||<#ff0000>DC PD Amplifier ||? || ||+-18V ||for DC PD in vacuum ||0 ||2 || || || ||<#ff0000>DC QPD Amplifier ||1U ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1002481/public|LIGO-D1002481]]) ||+-18V ||for ribbon cables from 2 DC QPDs in vacuum ||0 ||7 || || || ||<#ff00ff>ISS Board ||? ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1001985|LIGO-D1001985]], [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1300439|LIGO-D1300439]]) || || ||1? ||1 || ||Made by ToyamaU? || ||<#ff0000>OMC Servo Board ||? || || || ||0 ||1 || || || ||<#ff0000>RF Oscillator Source(Wenzel OCXO) ||2U ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D080702/public|LIGO-D080702]]) || || ||0 ||7 || || || ||<#ff0000>EOM/AOM Driver ||? ||([[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-E1400445/public|LIGO-E1400445]]) || ||for RF AM stabilization, modulation amplitude adjustment ||0 ||3 || || || * References: [[https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLIGO/RfDesign|awiki/RfDesign]], [[https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLIGO/LSC_Photodetectors|awiki/LSC_Photodetectors]], [[https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-D1200666|Cabling LIGO-D1200666]] === TO DO === * Details of ISS, ALS, OMC servo are uncertain at this point == Common Mode Servo list == * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL/CMSB|Common Mode Servo]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL/CMSB/Oscillation|Issues for oscillation of CMS ]] == Photodetector list == * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL/Photodetectors|Photodetectors]] * (Original) List of the Interferometer Detection Ports [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2982|JGW-T1402982]] == Cable list == * List of the ISC cables is available at [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VPkv64gDrbhSX4LiO5aNc-miSf3h3pl1dRQPKUhnuCs/|this Google Spreadsheet]]. == System diagram == * [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8394 | JGW-D1808394]] * As-built rack diagram maintained by GDS group [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9427 | JGW-D1809427]] == For each rack == * KAGRA ISC Electrical Components Layout [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2986|JGW-D1402986]] * Position of digital system racks [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=425|JGW-D1100425]] * What's inside the digital system racks [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2831|JGW-D1402831]] * Also see the followings for the latest design: * IOO rack: [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=6814| JGW-D1706814]] * IMC rack: [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=7021| JGW-D1707021]] * ALS0 and 1 racks: [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=8696| JGW-D1808696]] * LSC rack: [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9052| JGW-D1809052]] * OMC0 and 1 racks: [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9823| JGW-D1909823]] [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9844| JGW-D1909844]] * TMSX rack: [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9074| JGW-D1809074 ]] * TMSY rack: [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=10293| JGW-G1910293 ]] === PSL === See [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=2984|JGW-D1402984]] for cabling. ||Name ||Height ||Description ||to ADC ||from DAC ||bKAGRAp1? || ||RF Oscillator Source ||2U ||for fPMC sideband || || ||yes || ||(RF splitter) ||- ||split fPMC into 2 for PSL EOM, PMCR LO || || ||yes || ||PMC Servo Board ||- ||for PMC servo, receives PMCR, needs fPMC LO || || ||yes || ||PMC Servo Board Interface ||- ||for PMC Servo Board || || ||yes || ||TTFSS ||- ||for Refcav servo, receives REFCAVR, needs fIMC LO from IO rack || || ||yes || ||TTFSS Interface ||- ||for TTFSS ||?? ||?? ||yes || ||DC PD Interface Board ||- ||for PMCT, REFCAVT, RFAMR, RFAMT || || ||yes || ||PZT Driver ||- ||for periscope PZTs || ||BNCx2 ||yes || === Output Tables === Interface boxes for Thorlabs DC PDs are located at the respective output tables. ||Name ||Height ||Description ||Location ||to ADC ||from DAC ||bKAGRAp1? || ||DC PD Interface Board ||- ||for IMCT, (3ch left) ||IMC TRANS table -> IO rack ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||DC PD Interface Board ||- ||for IMMT1T, (3ch left) ||IMMT1T pylon -> MMT rack ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||DC PD Interface Board ||- ||for TRX, TRX_GR, (2ch left) ||TRX table -> EX4 rack ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||DC PD Interface Board ||- ||for TRY, TRY_GR, (2ch left) ||TRY table -> EY4 rack ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||DC PD Interface Board ||- ||for OMCT, (3ch left) ||AS table -> AS rack? ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || || || === IO racks === Located between PSL and MCF chamber. Generates RF for fIMC, f1, f2, f3, 2*f1, 2*f2, f3-f1, f3-f2, fALSX, and fALSY. Has servo circuits for FRC, IMC, and ISS. Takes care of PD/QPDs on PSL, IMC REFL, and IMC TRANS tables. Also takes care of equivalent PD/QPDs in vacuum. ||Name ||Height ||Description ||to ADC ||from DAC ||bKAGRAp1? || ||||||||||||PD/QPD || ||Dual IQ Demodulator ||1U ||for IMCR(fIMC), RFAMDLINE(fIMC) ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||RF PD Interface Board ||1U ||for PMCR, REFCAVR, IMCR, (1ch left) ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||RF QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for IMCR_A/B, (2ch left) ||Dsubx2(no whitening) || ||yes || ||DC QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for IP_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitened) || ||yes || ||DC QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for IMCT_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitened) || ||yes || ||DC QPD Amplifier ||1U ||for IMCTVAC_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||||||||||||fIMC || ||RF Oscillator Source ||2U ||for fIMC sideband (also for Refcav) || || ||yes || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for fIMC. to PSL EOM, to Delay Line for Refcav, to Delay Line for IMC LSC, to IQ Demod ASC x 2, (3ch left) || || ||yes (by 2016.10) || ||Delay Line Phase Shifter ||1U ||for TTFSS LO(Refcav lock), IMCR LO(IMC LSC) || || ||yes || ||Common Mode Servo Board ||2U ||for IMC servo ||Dsubx3(no whitening) ||Dsubx1 ||yes || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for IMCR_A QPD(fIMC) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes (by 2016.10) || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for IMCR_B QPD(fIMC) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes (by 2016.10) || ||||||||||||f1 || ||RF Oscillator Source ||2U ||for f1 sideband || || ||yes || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f1. to PSL EOM, to PSL EOAM, to MMT rack, to LSC racks, to Frequency Doubler, to Diff. Freq. Generator, (2ch left) || || ||yes || ||Frequency Doubler ||1U ||f1 to 2*f1 for ISC racks || || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||||||||||||f2 || ||RF Oscillator Source ||2U ||for f2 sideband || || || || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f2. to PSL EOM, to MMT rack to LSC racks, to Frequency Doubler, to Diff. Freq. Generator, (3ch left) || || || || ||Frequency Doubler ||1U ||f1 to 2*f1 for ISC racks || || || || ||||||||||||f3 || ||RF Oscillator Source ||2U ||for f3 to splitter || || || || ||(RF splitter) ||- ||split f3 into 2 for Diff. Freq. Generator || || || || ||Diff. Freq. Generator ||1U? ||make f3-f1 for ISC racks, make f3-f2 for ISC racks || || || || ||||||||||fALSX,fALSY || ||RF Oscillator Source ||2U ||for fALSX sideband for ISC racks || || ||(by 2017.2) || ||RF Oscillator Source ||2U ||for fALSY sideband for ISC racks || || ||(by 2017.2) || ||||||||||||Others || ||ISS Board ||?? || ||?? ||?? ||(by 2017.2) || === MMT rack === Located near PRM chamber. Takes care of PD/QPDs on IMMT1 and IMMT2 tables. Also takes care of equivalent PD/QPDs in vacuum. ||Name ||Height ||Description ||to ADC ||from DAC ||iKAGRA? || ||||||||||||PD/QPD || ||Quad IQ Demodulator LSC ||1U ||for IMMT2T(f1), IMMT2T(f2), (2ch left) ||Dsubx1(whitening) || || || ||RF PD Interface Board ||1U ||for IMMT2T, (3ch left) ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||DC PD Amplifier ||1U ||for IMMT1TVAC, IMMT2TVAC, (2ch left) ||Dsubx1(whitening) || || || ||DC QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for IMMT2T_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitened) || ||yes || ||DC QPD Amplifier ||1U ||for IMMT2TVAC_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || === ISC racks === Stands for LSC, ASC1, ASC2 and AUX racks located between PR3 and PR2 chambers. Has servo circuits for CARM, ALSX, and ALSY. Takes care of PD/QPDs on REFL, POP, POS, POX, POY, and AS tables. Also takes care of equivalent PD/QPDs in vacuum. ||Name ||Height ||Description ||to ADC ||from DAC ||bKAGRAp1? || ||||||||||||PD/QPD || ||Dual IQ Demodulator ||1U ||for REFL(f1), REFL(f2) ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||Dual IQ Demodulator ||1U ||for POP_GR(fALSY), POS_GR(fALSX) ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||(by 2017.2) || ||Quad IQ Demodulator LSC ||1U ||for REFLNRSB(f3-f1), REFLNRSB(f3-f2), AS(f1), ASVAC(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator LSC ||1U ||for POP(f1), POP(f2), SPOP(2*f1), SPOP(2*f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes || ||Quad IQ Demodulator LSC ||1U ||for SPOS(2*f1), SPOS(2*f2), (2ch left) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator LSC ||1U ||for POX(f1), POX(f2), POY(f1), POY(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator LSC ||1U ||for REFLVAC(f1), REFLVAC(f2), POPVAC(f1), POPVAC(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator LSC ||1U ||for POXVAC(f1), POXVAC(f2), POYVAC(f1), POYVAC(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||RF PD Interface Board ||1U ||for REFL, REFLNRSB, AS, SPOS ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || ||yes || ||RF PD Interface Board ||1U ||for POX, POY, POP, SPOP ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || || || ||RF PD Interface Board ||1U ||for POP_GR, POS_GR, POXVAC, POYVAC ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || || || ||RF PD Interface Board ||1U ||for REFLVAC, POPVAC, ASVAC, (1ch left) ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || || || ||BB PD Interface Board ||1U ||for PLLX, PLLY, (2ch left?) ||Dsubx1(no whitening) || || || ||RF QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for REFL_A/B, POP_A/B ||Dsubx4(no whitening) || ||yes || ||RF QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for AS_A/B, ASVAC_A/B ||Dsubx4(no whitening) || ||yes || ||RF QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for REFLVAC_A/B, POPVAC_A/B ||Dsubx4(no whitening) || || || ||||||||||||f1 || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f1. to Delay Line for CARM, POP LO, POX LO, POY LO, AS LO, REFLVAC LO, ASVAC LO, to RF Dist. || || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f1. to POPVAC LO, POXVAC LO, POYVAC LO, IQ Demod ASC x 3, to RF Dist. || || || || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f1. IQ Demod ASC x 7, to RF Dist. || || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f1. IQ Demod ASC x 2, (6ch left) || || || || ||Delay Line Phase Shifter ||1U ||for REFL LO(f1, CARM), REFL LO(f2, CARM) || || ||yes || ||Common Mode Servo Board ||2U ||for CARM servo ||Dsubx3(no whitening) ||Dsubx1 ||yes || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for REFL_A QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for REFL_B QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for POP_A QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for POP_B QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for AS_A QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for AS_B QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || ||yes (by 2017.7) || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for REFLVAC_A QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for REFLVAC_B QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for POPVAC_A QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for POPVAC_B QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for ASVAC_A QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for ASVAC_B QPD(f1) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||||||||||||f2 || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f2. to Delay Line for CARM, POP LO, POX LO, POY LO, REFLVAC LO, POPVAC LO, POXVAC LO, RF Dist. || || || || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f2. to POYVAC LO, RF Dist., (6ch left) || || || || ||RF Distribution Amplifier ||1U ||for f2. IQ Demod ASC x 8 || || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for REFL_A QPD(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for REFL_B QPD(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for POP_A QPD(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for POP_B QPD(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for REFLVAC_A QPD(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for REFLVAC_B QPD(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for POPVAC_A QPD(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||Quad IQ Demodulator ASC ||1U ||for POPVAC_B QPD(f2) ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||||||||||2*f1,2*f2 || ||(RF splitter) ||- ||split 2*f1 into 2 for SPOP LO, SPOS LO || || || || ||(RF splitter) ||- ||split 2*f2 into 2 for SPOP LO, SPOS LO || || || || ||||||||||||f3-f1,f3-f2 || |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||fALSX,fALSY || ||(RF splitter) ||- ||split fALSX into 2 for POP EOM, Delay Line for ALSX || || ||(by 2017.2) || ||Delay Line Phase Shifter ||1U ||for POP_GR LO(ALSX), POS_GR LO(ALSY) || || ||(by 2017.2) || ||Common Mode Servo Board ||2U ||for ALSX servo ||Dsubx3(no whitening) ||Dsubx1 || || ||(RF splitter) ||- ||split fALSY into 2 for POS EOM, Delay Line for ALSY || || || || ||Common Mode Servo Board ||2U ||for ALSY servo ||Dsubx3(no whitening) ||Dsubx1 || || ||Phase Frequency Discriminator ||1U ||for ALSX, ALSY ||?? ||?? ||(by 2017.2) || ||VCO with PLL ||2U ||for ALSX ||?? ||?? ||(by 2017.2) || ||VCO with PLL ||2U ||for ALSY ||?? ||?? ||(by 2017.2) || === EX4 rack === Located close to EXC chamber. Takes care of PD/QPDs on TRX table. Also takes care of equivalent PD/QPDs in vacuum. ||Name ||Height ||Description ||to ADC ||from DAC ||bKAGRAp1? || ||||||||||||PD/QPD || ||DC QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for TRX_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitened) || ||yes || ||DC QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for TRX_GR_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitened) || ||yes || ||DC QPD Amplifier ||1U ||for TRXVAC_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||DC QPD Amplifier ||1U ||for TRXVAC_GR_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || === EY4 rack === Located close to EYC chamber. Components should be the same as those in EX4. === AS rack === Should be located close to OMM chamber. Takes care of PD/QPDs for OMC servo. ||Name ||Height ||Description ||to ADC ||from DAC ||bKAGRAp1? || ||||||||||||PD/QPD || ||DC PD Amplifier ||- ||for OMCTVAC, (3ch left) ||Dsubx1(whitening) || || || ||DC QPD Interface Board ||1U ||for OMCT_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitened) || || || ||DC QPD Amplifier ||1U ||for OMCTVAC_A/B ||Dsubx2(whitening) || || || ||||||||||||Others || ||OMC Servo board ||?? ||for OMC lock ||?? ||?? || || ---- == Plan (as of 2012-08) == * Test fabrication of RF PD (by the end of September ?, test in October) * Compile other analog circuit designs from LIGO into KAGRA spec. (by the end of October) * Design frequency stabilization related circuits with NAOJ group (by the end of FY2012) [[KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/AEL/RFPD|RFPD]]