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Editor: YoichiAso
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KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/PDVacについて、ここに記述してください。 = Vacuum Enclosure & Wiring for In-Vac PDs =

Some of the core PDs and QPDs have to be placed inside the vacuum. Those PDs will be put in hermetic enclosures. The wires used to communicate with those PDs have to be also vacuum compatible.

The tasks are:

 * Design the airtight enclosures
 * Make sure that the heat can escape from the PD.
 * Chose appropriate (vacuum compatible) wires for signal and power transmission.


== External Links ==
 * [[http://outgassing.nasa.gov/|NASA's outgassing data]]
 * [[http://esmat.esa.int/Services/outgassing_data/outgassing_data.html|ESA's outgassing data]]
 * [[http://matdb.jaxa.jp/Outgas/Outgasdoc1_j.html|JAXA's outgassing data]]
 * [[http://matdb.jaxa.jp/main_j.html|JAXA's material data]]

Vacuum Enclosure & Wiring for In-Vac PDs

Some of the core PDs and QPDs have to be placed inside the vacuum. Those PDs will be put in hermetic enclosures. The wires used to communicate with those PDs have to be also vacuum compatible.

The tasks are:

 * Design the airtight enclosures
 * Make sure that the heat can escape from the PD.
 * Chose appropriate (vacuum compatible) wires for signal and power transmission.

KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/PDVac (last edited 2012-11-19 23:04:06 by TomotadaAkutsu)