Differences between revisions 10 and 11
Revision 10 as of 2020-08-07 14:46:30
Size: 3354
Editor: naoki.koyama
Revision 11 as of 2020-08-07 15:13:44
Size: 3370
Editor: naoki.koyama
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 19: Line 19:
bash ./Anaconda3-2020.07-Linux-x86_64.sh % bash ./Anaconda3-2020.07-Linux-x86_64.sh
Line 35: Line 35:
conda env create --file igwn-py37 .yaml -n XXXXX % conda env create --file igwn-py37 .yaml -n XXXXX
Line 44: Line 44:
conda activate XXXXX % conda activate XXXXX
Line 48: Line 48:
conda deactivate XXXXX % conda deactivate
Line 54: Line 54:
conda info -e % conda info -e
Line 60: Line 60:
conda list % conda list
Line 69: Line 69:
conda install -c gwoptics pykat % conda install -c gwoptics pykat
Line 106: Line 106:
ln -s $HOME/anaconda3/envs/XXXXX/lib/libgsl.so $HOME/anaconda3/envs/XXXXX/lib/libgsl.so.0 % ln -s $HOME/anaconda3/envs/XXXXX/lib/libgsl.so $HOME/anaconda3/envs/XXXXX/lib/libgsl.so.0
Line 116: Line 116:
sudo apt-get install git % sudo apt-get install git
Line 122: Line 122:
git clone XXX % git clone XXX
Line 132: Line 132:
sudo apt-get install emacs % sudo apt-get install emacs



To develop GUI for interferometer simulation with Debian 10, you need to install software as follows.


The following tasks require that you are running Debian 10 with VirtualBox. Please refer to the following instructions on how to start Debian 10.


Installation of anaconda3

Download the anaconda3 Linux 64-Bit (x86) Installer (550 MB) → https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual

Start the terminal and go to the directory where you downloaded anaconda3.

It's probably in Downloads.Enter the following command.

% bash ./Anaconda3-2020.07-Linux-x86_64.sh

If you close the terminal and open it again, you can use the conda commands.

Igwn python37

Download igwn Linux version from the following URL.

https: https://computing.docs.ligo.org/conda/environments/igwn-py37/

This file is a collection of packages used in anaconda. It is used to create a virtual environment with anaconda. By using the conda command, you can easily switch the virtual environment you created to active. To create the virtual environment, enter the following command.

% conda env create --file igwn-py37 .yaml -n XXXXX

Please give XXXXX an appropriate name that is easy to understand. XXXXX will be the name you will call later when you activate this virtual environment.

To switch this virtual environment, you can use the following command.

% conda activate XXXXX

% conda deactivate

To see the current virtual environment you have, use the following command.

% conda info -e

You can see the packages installed when you create a virtual environment using this file with the following command.

% conda list

Installation of Finesse2

Finesse (http://www.gwoptics.org/finesse/#install) is a simulation tool that you can use with Jupyter notebook and others.

To install Finesse using conda, type the following command.

% conda install -c gwoptics pykat

When the installation is complete, open jupyter notebook and enter the following command.

from pykat import finesse

from pykat.commands import * 

kat = finesse.kat()

code = """"

l laser 1 0 n1

s space 1 n1 n2

pd pout n2

xaxis laser P lin 1 10 100



out = kat.run()


If you see the graph, the installation was successful. You may encounter some errors when installing in this manner. In that case, entering the following command may solve the problem.

% ln -s $HOME/anaconda3/envs/XXXXX/lib/libgsl.so $HOME/anaconda3/envs/XXXXX/lib/libgsl.so.0

Note that XXXXX is the name you've chosen.

Download the github file from the terminal

Set up a terminal to download files uploaded to Github from the terminal. Open a terminal and type the following command.

% sudo apt-get install git

To download the file, you can use the following command.

% git clone XXX

XXX is the URL of the file you want to download.

Install emacs

If the editor is not installed, you need to install it. You can install it by typing the following command into a terminal.

% sudo apt-get install emacs

KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/Simulation/CondaSetup (last edited 2020-08-26 13:59:31 by HirotakaYuzurihara)