== how to make public git repository on git.ligo.org == * author : koyama * worker : koyama, yuzurihara * [[https://git.ligo.org]] * [[https://qiita.com/redamoon/items/07e445d1fce360cb5fa3|reference site]] /* 日本語でもたぶんOKです、その場合は自分が英語にします */ Some of the commands in the reference site is adjusted. * Open terminal and enter this command. {{{ cd ~/.ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa -C adress@example.com }}} please input your own mail address. * Please follow the instructions on the terminal and enter information. {{{ Enter file in which to save the key (/home/.ssh/id_rsa): }}} If you use Mac OSX, the example of ssh key name is /Users/'''XXX'''/.ssh/id_rsa'''_gitlab''' '''XXX''' is your username. {{{ Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: }}} I did not entered anything. If you need a password, please enter it. {{{ chmod 600 id_rsa }}} This command should be changed to the following. chmod 600 id_rsa'''_gitlab''' = Register your public key with GitLab = {{{ vim ~/.ssh/config }}} * Please open '''config''' with terminal directory or entering this command {{{ touch config open . }}} and select config with Finder application. * Add this text in '''config''' file Host '''git.ligo.org''' User '''name''' HostName '''git.ligo.org'''<
> TCPKeepAlive yes<
> identitiesonly yes<
> identityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa'''_gitlab''' The '''name''' is your gitlab account name. * Visit gitlab page and open our project. Please open '''Setting -> Add SSH''' and paste the cotents of id_rsa'''_gitlab.pub'''