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2021 May ??, 18:00 - 19:00 2021 May 26, 18:00 - 19:00
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 1. Shinkosha Eval#1 absorption map report
 1. Optocad report

MIR Meeting on 2021/04/28 18:00 - 19:00

Participants: Matteo, KYamamoto, HYamamoto, Abe, JuneGyu, Marc, Aritomi, Pengbo, Aso

Next meeting

2021 May 26, 18:00 - 19:00


  1. ETMY contamination report
  2. KAGRA-LMA meeting report: new coating tests at cryo temperature
  3. Shinkosha Eval#1 absorption map report
  4. Optocad report


  • ETMY contamination
  • new coating tests at cryo temperature
  • (continue) discussion about birefringence-stress paper

KAGRA/Subgroups/MIR/Meetings/Minutes20210427 (last edited 2021-04-28 21:34:44 by KazuhiroYamamoto)