= MIR Meeting on 2023/07/05 15:00 - 16:00 = Participants: KYamamoto, June-Gyu, Marc, Sungho, Aso, Matteo === Next meeting === 2023 Aug 2nd, 15:00 - 16:00 == Minutes == 1. Paper on coating (Mori, Nakayama, KYamamoto): Ti doped (LIGO) and undoped (KAGRA) SiO2-Tantala stacks * coating thermal noise seems higher than expected value * internal review by coauthors being done at the moment * will be circulated to MIR subgroup in the next weeks 1. Planned presentation of the measurements contained in the paper at the next LVK 1. Measurement of Q-value for KAGRA sapphire mirrors * CARM-DARM as readout sensors, magnets as actuators * T= 80K for ETMX and T=250K for all the others * all Q value are between 1e4 to 1e5, seems low compared to expected value of 1e8 * investigation of the reason of low Q ongoing, dissipation source is not clear * offline test on spare ETMs could be done to investigate the source of dissipation (Aso) 1. report on polishing of new ITMs by Aso * Shaping, lateral flats and barrel done by ARD * pre-polishing and wedge will be done by Okamoto Optics (test polishing done successfully) * lead time of pre-polishing is largely increased due to necessity to avoid subsurface damage * no issue due to delay of pre-polishing since LMA is busy until the end of O4 on A+ coating * final polishing planned to start in march 2024 and last 12 months 1. paper plan * commissioning paper on birefringence was merged with O3GK paper * birefr. exp setup + birefr. to internal stress paper under review * idea to merge simulation paper (by Haoyu) and methodology paper (by Aso) -> potentially almost ready (iPWT: Haoyu-Aso) * idea to have a paper on Aztec crystal characterization (iPWT: Marc-June Gyu) * idea to have a paper on eterodine AA with birefringence (iPWT: Marc-Haoyu) 1. report on spectrophotometry measurement by Marc * calibration is ongoing, spectral shape as expected 1. report on liquid crystals by Marc == Agenda == * Coating and Q-measurement update from KYamamoto * Polishing update from Aso * MIR related paper plan discussion