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  * outcome: let's keep in touch with LMA to monitor the evolution of the coating schedule
  * planned a discussion for the next meeting about coating choice

MIR Meeting on 2023/11/22 16:00 - 17:00

Participants: Aso, Haoyu, Shalika, Sungho, Tomaru, KYamamoto, Marc, Matteo

Next meeting

2023 December 20, 16:00 - 17:00


  1. review on final polishing spec document (Aso)
    • Marc: add spec on level of polarization linearity? -> Aso: linearity of the polishers have already been checked and they are compliant with the measurements at NAOJ so no need to add this spec

    • Haoyu: spec on birefringence? -> Aso: no since polishers cannot change birefringence, but can add additional characterization about birefringence

    • Sungho: measurement condition should be specified, same as we use the TM. Any double check by third party measurement? -> Aso + Matteo: mounting horizontally or vertically both have problems but sapphire do not deform under gravity as much as fused silica so there should be no issues. About the cross check it depends on the timing of the coating but it should be done either at NAOJ or at Caltech.

    • Matteo: add request not to damage the not processed surfaces. -> Aso: ok.

  2. review of coating loss angle measurement at cryogenic temperature (KYamamoto)
    • Matteo: let's investigate the difference of loss angle between normal and compacted SiO2

  3. report on meeting with LMA for the coating of ITMs (Matteo)
    • outcome: let's keep in touch with LMA to monitor the evolution of the coating schedule
    • planned a discussion for the next meeting about coating choice
  4. report on paper (Haoyu)
    • paper almost ready for the circulation between authors
  5. report on paper (Marc)
    • paper circulated between authors and waiting for comments
  6. study on larger sapphire (Marc)
    • scheduled a presentation on it for the next meeting


  • review of polishing spec document
  • review of coating loss angle measurement at cryogenic temperature
  • report on meeting with LMA for the coating of ITMs
  • various paper status

KAGRA/Subgroups/MIR/Meetings/Minutes20231122 (last edited 2023-11-22 17:08:47 by matteo.leonardi)