Participants : M. Eisenmann, M. Otsuka, S. Singh, K. Somiya, K. Yamamoto Agenda : * New ITMs polishing update (M. Eisenmann) * Preparation of bidding for next step polishing on-going * Birefringence measurement update (S. Singh) * Analysis seems good; plan for 2D measurements + on-site measurement * Q measurement and simulation update (K. Yamamoto) * Yamada-san and Rishabh busy... K. Yamamoto can give updates in the meantime * dummy mirror suspension on-going from next month * Coating and U. Toyama activities (K. Yamamoto) * Coating mechanical loss at cryogenic temperature paper was accepted * McGhee (Glasgow) visit from end of March to July to measure amorphous Silicon coating mechanical loss at 100K * In future plan to exchange samples to compare GENS and nodal support techniques * Yu Sato will finish Master thesis about PI in Feb 2025 * It seems that mode shape depends on a-axis direction * PI simulation (M. Otsuka) * optical simulations on-going with goal of estimating modal content of coupled cavity * New AZTEC samples characterization + spectroscopy (M. Eisenmann) * Could estimate impact of impurities on 1064nm absorption and compare it with PCI absorption for few samples * Plan to do spectroscopy measurements with s-polarized light * Plan to have new holder to test new AZTEC samples * Possible crystalline materials conference? (M. Eisenmann) * Opening of Kakenhi for conference support * There are ASPIRE and bilateral calls aswell (K. Somiya) * There are interest but should further discuss to avoid competing with each others * Discussion * Thermal noise derived from new coating mechanical loss should become KAGRA official value * This new value was used by Komori-san in the 10 years sensitivity simulation